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Dunkirk is a town in the province of Flanders.

It is a value used by the Property "Res town" to describe the residential location of the subjects of semantic biographies in the MarineLives wiki.

This table aggregates data from all semantic biographies in the MarineLives wiki relating to the town of Dunkirk
Full nameFirstnameLastnameBirth yearRes townRes countyOccupationMariner occupationHas literacyAssociated with ship(s)Type of shipDep startFirst deposition age
John AugustineJohnAugustine1631DunkirkMerchantSignatureN/AHCA 13/70 f.3v Annotate23
William CornelisonWilliamCornelison1611DunkirkMarinerMasterMarkeTwo Brothers (Master: William Cornelison)Merchant shipHCA 13/68 f.493v Annotate43
Joos de WaedeJoosDe Waede1626DunkirkMarinerCarpenterMarkeDolphin of Dunkirk (Master: Christian Sola)Merchant shipHCA 13/68 f.513r Annotate28
Jacob IsbrantssonJacobIsbrantsson1601DunkirkMarinerSteersmanSignatureDolphin of Dunkirk (Master: Christian Sola)Merchant shipHCA 13/68 f.511v Annotate53
Adrian RevelleAdrianRevelle1630DunkirkMarinerMarkeSaint John (Master: Peter Roberts)Merchant shipHCA 13/68 f.183r Annotate23
Anthony SolaAnthonySola1631DunkirkMarinerOne of the CompanyMarkeDolphin of Dunkirk (Master: Christian Sola)Merchant shipHCA 13/68 f.514v Annotate23
Pedro VandewÿerPedroVandewÿer1627DunkirkMerchantSignatureN/AHCA 13/68 f.178r Annotate
HCA 13/69 Silver 13 f.13r Annotate
HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.1r Annotate
Pedro VandewÿerPedroVandewÿer1627DunkirkMerchantSignatureN/AHCA 13/68 f.178r Annotate
HCA 13/69 Silver 13 f.13r Annotate
HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.1r Annotate
John ffookaJohnffooka1610DunkirkMarinerBoatswainMarkeDolphin of Dunkirk (Master: Christian Sola)Merchant shipHCA 13/68 f.512r Annotate44