HCA 13/63 f.9r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/63 f.9r.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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HCA 13/63 f.9r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


or Comannders of the said Port and was under the Comannde of two Castles
and by order of the Governor of the said Port had her Sayles taken away
for that she could neither budge nor stick out or from the said Port the premisses
he remembreth because beinge Purser of the said shipp he kept a dyary or Journal
of the whole voyage arlate Et alr nescit Saveing That the arlate Mr [?Johus] did
use the best meanes hee could to gett the said Shipp unimbargoed but could not
prevayle therein soe soone as hee expecteth or desired

Ad quartum arlum deponit That the arlate Edward Smyth did bring home in the
Shipp the Crowne for his owne Accompt a Tonne and twoe hundred wight of
Curance or thereabouts for the freight whereof there was and is due to be paide after the rate
of 4 li 5 s of lawfull money per Tonne and soe much per Tonne was payd by others
for such goods as were brought home in the said Shipp the voyage predeposed, Et alr

Super reliquis ex [?XXXXX] [?XXX] [?wxX]

per Abraham Blundell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


Willimus Jones de Wappinge in Comitatu Middlesez
Nauta famulus produsentis Captaine Johus aetatis 20 annorum
aut circiter testis in hac productus et iuratus deponit ut sequitur.

Ad primum arlum dicta allegaconis deponit et dicit That hee this deponent was
Coxen in the Shipp the Concord the voyage arlate and servant to the producent
Captayne Johus Comannder of the said Shipp the voyage arlate from the beginning thereof unto
the end, and for that reason well knoweth That for all the tyme arlate
videlicet for the space of three monethes and certayne odd dayes beginning and ending as is arlate
the said Shipp by Comannd of the Governor and officers of the Port of Alexandria
whereat the said Shipp then lay was violently seized and imbargoed soe that for
all the tyme predeposed she had her sayles comannded from her and lay under
Comannd of two Castles there soe that shee could not possibly gett out and proceede [?XXXXX]
on her voyage from which Imbargo hee sayeth That for the tyme predeposed
she was not free albeit this deponents Master went to Grand Cayro purposly
about it. Et alr nescit

Ad [?quartum] arlum dicta allegaconis deponit et dicit That the arlate Edward Smith
had brought home for his Accompt in the Shipp the Conrad the voyage arlate two
and twenty hundred weight of Currans Et alr nescit.

Idem ad Interrogatoria.

Ad 1um interrogatoria rendest That before the voyage predeposed he was once before at
Alexandria Et alr nescit [?XXX] qua supra deponit

Ad 2um Interrogatoria renest That the Shipps Sailes as predeposed were taken away by a [?druggey]
man by order of the [?Bassa] of Alexandria as theis [?respondent] and the rest of the
Shipps Company were indormed
Et alr referent se ad predeposit nescit

Ad 3um rendest That there was a new Suite of Sayles on board the Shipp [?XXX]
which were left on board and preserved from the knowledge of the Turkish
officers but the other old Sayles he sayeth were carried on shoare where
The Turkes gave the Shipps Company libertie to mend them but