HCA 13/68 f.235r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/68 f.235r.

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HCA 13/68 f.235r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and six pence per quarter and not more. And saith as this deponent is
creadibly informed and beleiveth the like good sound wheat
is usually bought and sold in the marketts in Kent and other
places in England att the sayd rates of 19 s and 20 s by the
quarter. att the present. And otherwise cannot depose

upon the rest his is nor examined by direction

To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the 1. 2. 3. and 4th he saith he knoweth nothing thereof

Richard Batson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before}
Doctor Clarke and Doctor Godolphin}.


The 24th of Novermber 1653

The Clayme of Henry Baldero English}
merchant for forty peices of Searges}
[?with mark] underwritten lately seized}
in a shipp called the Roterdam of which}
Ingelbert Vandersee was Master taken by}
a [?private] man of warr whereof [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT]}
[?XX] was Commannder and by him brought}
[?XX] Suckly. Smith}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Henry Baldero


William Cotton borne att Colchester in the
County of Essex, now liveing att Roterdam
in Holland and merchant Cashier to the sayd
Henry Baldero aged two and twenty yeares
or thereabouts, a witnes sworne and
examined deposeth and saith as followeth

Tp the first Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that for many
and divers yeares last past there hath bene an English Company
of merchant Adventurers Resident in the Citty of Roterdam, and that
the arlate Henry Baldero hath bene for a yeare now past and upwrds
Treasurer of the sayd Companie of English merchants and so is att
this present, and the sayd Henry Baldero was and is an Englishman
and well affected to this Nation and the Government thereof, and that he
hath of the certaine knowledge and sight of this deponent releived many English
Seamen that have bene taken prisoners in the service of this Commonwealth in the present troubles
and hath procured the Libertyes of many of them and provided shipping
to transport them for England, All which this deponent well knoweth
being servant and Cashier to the sayd Henry Baldero, and otherwise
cannot depose.

To the second article of the sayd allegation, This deponent saith that in or about
the moneth of June last past the sayd Henry Baldero did buy and
provide for his owne accompt att Dunkerke in fflanders of and from Joos
Vrymonet the foresayd forty peices of English serges
for eighteene hundred guilders the first penny, and did cause


the same being marked and numbred as in the margent to be
laden att Dunkerke aboard the arlate shipp the Roterdam whereof the
arlate Inglebert vandersee was Master to be transported from tehnce
to Roterdam for the use and benefitt of him the sayd Henry Baldero
who is and ought to be the true and lawfull owner and Proprietor
thereof, the premisses he knoweth to be true for that the sayd henry
Baldero about the sayd moneth of June went from Roterdam tO Dunkerke
and att his Returne back which was after 3 or 4 dayes absence acquainted
this deponent with the price and person
of them they were bought and caused this deponent to make entryes
thereof in his bookes of Accompts which this deponent did accordingly