HCA 13/71 f.133r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.133r.

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HCA 13/71 f.133r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day./ [CENTRE HEADING]

A busines of Ensurance promoted by}
Phillip dighton Mariner concerning}
his losse of and in the shipp the Scout}
of London}

Examined upon Interrogatories ministered on behalfe of the sayd

Rp. Jus

Richard Postgate of the parish of Saint Olave in Southwarke
Mariner aged 40 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne
before the Right Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of Lawes one of
the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./

To the first second and third Interrogatories hee saith hee well knew the Interrogate
Shipp the Scout of London the voyage Interrogate wherein hee went Masters
Mate of her and saith hee well knoweth the Interrogate Phillip dighton was
commonly reputed a true and lawfull part owner of the sayd shipp and her tackle
and furniture the tyme Interrogate but of what part hee knoweth not nor hath heard And saith that there were severall goods
and Merchandizes videlicet twenty butts, one hundred Caratells and about sixty
or seaventy quarter Rolls of Currans marked with the marke in the margent
laden by one Symon Copia, a Jew for Accompt of the sayd Phillipp dighton
and Michaell Wilkins and others owners of the sayd shipp and goods beside cetaine goods laden for the particular Accompt of the sayd Phillip dighton which
Currans were the proceeds of certaine goods carried in the sayd shipp outwards
bound by the sayd dighton Wilkins and Company the owners aforesayd the premisses
hee deposeth being Masters mate and an eye wittnes thereof And further to these
Interrogatorie hee cannot depose

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith the sayd shipp with the sayd goods on board her sett
sayle from Zant bound for London (there to discharge,) upon the one and twentith
day of December last (old style), and in her course homewards shee and her sayd
ladeing were mett with surprized and taken upon the third of ffebruary last about
two or three and forty leagues south west of Cillice by two Brest men of warr
and carried to Saint Sebastians in Biscay and shee and her ladeing aforesayd belonging
as aforesayd to the sayd dighton Wilkins and others owners and freighters of the
sayd shipp were by the sayd Brest men of warr there sold and disposed of according
to their pleasure without any recompence given to the sayd dighton Wilkins or
any other the Owners of the sayd shipp and ladeing, this hee deposeth being
Masters Mate and on board and seeing the sayd shipp and goods disposed of by the
sayd Brest men of Warr And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose/

Richard Postgate [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined on the Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe
of the sayd Michaell Wilkins./

Ex parte Wilkins./

Rp. 2us

Edward Turner of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and
County of Middlesex Mariner aged nynteene yeares or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne before the right Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor
of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty
saith and deposeth as followeth

To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith hee well knew the Interrogate
shipp the Scout of London the tyme Interrogate goeing in her as one of her
company the sayd voyage And saith the Interrogate Wilkins the tyme Interrogate
was commonly accompted to bee the true and lawfull owner and proprietor of
one quarter part of the sayd shipp and her tackle apparrell and furniture which