HCA 13/71 f.635v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.635v.

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HCA 13/71 f.635v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


each Negroe the value of each hundred of sugar being then and
there ordinarily estimated at five and twenty shillings English
money, which in the whole amounted to above thirty pounds
sterling money for each Negroe, and soe much and after
rate this deponent is fully assured that the said hundred fifty and
eight Negroes laden and seized in the said shipp Sarah as
aforesaid, might and would really and readily have yielded
per head, if the same had not beene so interrcepted and seized by
the said Scroll and Companie, but had come to, arrived and beene
disposed of to the best advantage at the Barbadoes aforesaid; And
upon the grounds predeposed, this deponent is alsoe fully convinced and
assured of the like summe or value for the Negroes seized in the said
shipp Rappahanacke. And further cannot depose

To the 9th hee saith, That as the time of the suprizall of the said
shipp Sarah there alsoe was and remained on board her a
great quantity of Elephants teeth to the valew as hee verily
beleeveth of five hundred pounds sterling at the least, which
belonged to the said Lewellin, as being the proceed gained and
procured with part of his said outwards Cargoe, And saith
the Master and Companie of the said shipp Sarah, at the time
of the seizure aforesaid had Cloathes, sea instruments, goods amd
other necessaries to them belonging, amounting in all as this deponent
in conscience verily beleeveth, to the summe or value of one
Thousand pounds sterling, And alsoe saith, that fower chests of
Copper barrs and one tunn of iron, and two barrells of bowdges
remaining undisposed of at the time of the said seizure
and belonging to the said Lewellin were really worth
Two hundred pounds sterling money, all which the premisses
were at the time of the seizure aforesaid surprized and taken
away by the said Scroll and Companie, and the said Master and
Companie of the Sarah, and the said Lewellin were thereby utterly
dispoyled and deprived thereof. Which the premisses here this
deponent well knoweth by sadd and suffering experience,
And further hee cannot depose

To the 10th article hee saith that hee doeth in Conscience according
to the best of his judgement verily beleeveth the said shipp the
Sarah at the time of the seizure aforesaid to have beene really
worth eight hundred pounds sterling. (her tackle apparrell and
furniture being therein comprised) shee being a shipp of the burthen
of one hundred and twenty tunns or thereabouts. carrying six
peeres of Ordanance, and having performed but three voiages before this in question since
her originall building and being every way well accomodated for
such a voiage, And saith the mens wages for the said voiages