MRP: 17th March 1665/66, Letter from Sir Henry Oxinden to Sir GO, Deane
17th March 1665/66, Letter from Sir Henry Oxinden to Sir GO, Deane
BL, Add. MS. 40, 708-40, 713, vol, 235, year 1665, ff. 2-3
Editorial history
09/09/09, CSG: Completed transcription
15/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
Abstract & context
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See 18th March 1665/66, Letter from Sir Henry Oxinden to Sir GO, Corner (London) (Provides more details of the death of Elizabeth Dallison)
To do
(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript at BL & add foliation to transcription
This transcription has been completed, but required checking
[BL, Add. MS. 40, 708-40, 713, vol, 235, year 1665, ff. 2-3]
Dearest Brother
This sorry hour being about seven of the clock at night, our Dearest & most excellent Sister Dallyson[1] resigned her Soule unto God XX XXXXX XX, A less inexpressible being a person of high XXXX and considerazion to all her relations & Acquaintances, She died of XXXXX Vomiting & Purging the matter very green and Yellow, in time the Phleme grew so rough and fast upon her y:it stifled her. She hath been sick about ?nine weekes her Physitians were Sir: George Ent[2] & Dr: Measlier,[3] who were both very diligent & skillfull, but XXX in their confidence of her XXXXX. I came to Towne[4] last Thursday night to visitt her, Mack Dallyson[5] went down to his house[6] this day full of confidence of her recovery grounded upon the Physitions Judgment. I intend to carry her downe & bury her w:th our father & Family in our Chancell, She had only designed to bee buried at Clarkenwell[7] wte. her husband, but when I moved her to lye us, at Wingham, she was well pleased, & thanked mee. She made a will before XXXX XXX with Mr. ?Raworths[8] XolX, but I know not ye. contents as yet in the least, she told me where your stock of money was. She had ?ordered some Jewells to bee putt in my hand for you as shee told me, she spake little to me, her spiritts being very weak & low, & she was surmonized in goood of time supposing to live at least till tomorrow having appointed to xxxxx the sacrament this I write in hast supposing I will XXX the shipp which if I stay longer you shall XXXXX. The Lord preserve you I am
Sunday night March the 17:th 1665
Yo:r affection:te Brother,
Hen: Oxinden
- ↑ Elizabeth Dallison, Sir Henry and Sir George Oxenden's widowed sister
- ↑ Dr. George Ent (b. 1604, d. 1689) was in his early sixties when he treated Elizabeth Dallison. Newly knighted (in 1665), and a registrar at the Royal College of Physicians, he was subsequently to be elected President of the same. A physician, born at Sandwich, Kent, he came from the same part of East Kent as known to the Oxenden family in neighbouring Wingham, on the Canterbury to Sandwich road. He had studied at Sidney Sussex, Cambridge, for a BA and MA, and had graduated with a doctorate in medicine from the University of Padua in 1636. A Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal Society. He became President in 1670
- ↑ Dr. Measlier was XXXX
- ↑ London. It is unclear whether Elizabeth Dallison died at her lodgings in Throgmorton Street, or whether she was at the Old Corner, near Ludgate, a house that the Kent Oxendens frequently used when visiting London. Sir Henry Oxenden's next letter, written just hours later on the 18th March 1662, was addressed from the Corner. See Elizabeth Dallison's lodgings, Throgmorton Street, London; and The Corner or Old Corner, near Ludgate (and Old Bailey), London
- ↑ Maximilian Dallison, Elizabeth Dallison's eldest child and only son
- ↑ The Hamptons at West Peckham, Kent
- ↑ The Dallison family of Lincolnshire and Kent had long had a presence in Clerkenwell. Elizabeth Dallison had met her deceased husband, William Dallison, at the house of his father, Sir Maximilian Dallison, in St. John Street, Clerkenwell. See House in St. John Street, Clerkenwell
- ↑ Robert Raworth, lawyer of Gray's Inn and a well trusted legal advisor of Elizabeth Dallison and other Oxenden family members, including Sir George Oxenden. See biographical profile of Robert Raworth