MRP: C6/36/21 f. 3

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C6/36/21 f. 3



//The schedule whereof menncon is made in the Answer whereunto this Schedule is annexed//

//THIS CHARTERPARTY Indented of affraightment made the first day of November Anno Domini 1667 In the nyneteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second King of Great Brittain & Between//

//John Letten of the Citty of London Merchant parte owner And Thomas Hobbard Master of that good Shipp or Vessell called the William of London burthern one hundred and Twenty Tunns ordinary Tunnage more or//

//less now in the Port of London of the one parte And George Cock Esq:r and James Temple of the Citty of London Merchant of the other parte Witnesseth That the said Master by and with the consent of the sd owner testified by his being a party//

//withofe p:resents Hath granted and letten to freight as by these p:rsents thesaid Master doth grannt and lett the said shipp to freight unto these Merchants by the month for and dureing the Tearme and tyme of Twelve months certain and eighteen//

//months at longest accounting Rate XXXX Monethes to remained from the said Shipps falling down to Gravesen or the Sixth day of December next arising at and for the Rate and price of One hundred and thirty pounds of lawfull money of England//

//p month for the Voyage following And therefore the same Ma:r doth for himselfe his executo:r & administrato:r covenant promise and agree to and with the sd Merchants their Executors Administrators and assignes and every of them by these p:rsents//

//That the said Shipp before her departure from Gravesend shall be strong and substantially manned with Eighteen Marriners including the said Master(s) Armed with eight peeces of Ordinance and two Barrells of Powder to every peice of//

//Ordinance and well and sufficiently stowed victualled fitted and equipped with all Tackle apparell provision ffurniture and ammunition needfull and necessary for such a Shipp and such a Voyage And alsoe fitted and supplyed with//

//all matterialls and stores for the accomodating and carrying of XXXXX (victuallinge and clothing excepted) And that the sd Shipp soe fitted and equipped as aforesaid by gods grace and wind and weather pmitting on or before the said//

//sixth day of December next ensuing shall be ready to depart from Gravesend and by all opportunities of wind and weather according to the Endev:r and appointments of the said Merchants their Executo:rs ffacto:rs or assignes shall sayle XXed//

//apply to any Ports or partes of Guiney and from thene unto any the plantacons on Islands of America under the dominion of our Sovereign Lord the King And from thence returne unto the porte of London and there end and be//

//discharged from the said Voyage And that the sd Ma:r together with the sd Shipps company at all XXX or any theappointed ports and places according to the Order and appointm:t of these Merchants their Executo:rs ffacto:rs or assignes//

//shall Lade unlade relade & unlade the sd Shipp And with the Boate or Boates of the said Shipp dispatch and discharge all usuall affaires for the sd Voyage And the sd Merchants having hired and taken to freight the sd Shipp for the sd Voyage doe for themselves//

//withall convenient Speed dispatch and discharge the sd Shipp at and from Gravesend for and upon the sd Voyage And alsoe from tyme to tyme and at all opportunity tymes for and durring the sd Voyage shall give such Orders & directions unto the sd Master his//

//Successo:rs or assignes and soe dispatch and discharge the sd Shipp that she may be returned unto the Port of London and there discharged from her sd Voyage within the sd Terme and tyme of eighteene monthes And alsoe shall and will//

//well and truely pay or cause to be paid unto the sd owner and Master their Executo:rs or assignes or some of them for the freight and hire of the sd Shipp for the sd Voyage after and according to the Rate and price of One hundred and thirty poundes of lawfull//

//money of England by the month XXXXX Month and dor all such tyme whatsoever accounting Kalendarry Monethes as shall be elapsed and runne out at the tyme of the sd Shipp being discharged from her said Voyage to be accompted from the//

//tyme of her entring into pay as aforesd And if it shall happen that the sd Shipp shall be returned unto the Port of London and discharged from the sd Voyage before the end of twelve monthes yett nevertheless freight shall be due for twelve monthes//

//as fully and effectually


//within fourteen dayes after

//the said Shipp

//paiement of these freights

//and for the said Master

//their care and paines in or about the sd Voyage being one halfe of the usuall and Customary Comission allowed in such Voyages The other halfe of the like Comission being allowed by the sd Merchants unto John Ansell being by them appointed//

//Sup Cargo of the sd Shipp for the Voyage aforesd And that the sde Master his Successors or assignes shall and may have use and enjoy one Tonne freight in the hold of the sd Shipp for and during the sd Voyage without allowance or paying any ?consideration//

//for the same, and the benefitt of One hundred and thirty pounds sterling money adventure for the use of himselfe his Executo:rs Successo:rs or assignes And the performance of all and singular the Covenants and agreem:ts herein conteined on the//

//parte and behalfe of the sd Master his Exec:rs Adm:rs and Assignes to be done and performed he bindeth himselfe his Executo:rs and Adm:rs and especially the said Shipp the freight tackle and apparell of the same unto the sd Merchants their Excec:rs//

//Adm:r and Assignes and any of them in the summe of Three thousand sterling firmly by these p:rsents And alsoe to the pformance of all and singular the Coven:ts ?points and agreem:ts herein conteined on the parte and behalfe of the sd Merchants their Ex:rs//

//Adm:rs and Assignes and any of them to be paid done and performed they bind themselves there Executo:rs and Administra:rs and any of them and all the sd goods and Merchandize unto the sd owner and Ma:r their Executo:rs Administrato:rs Assignes and any of//

//them in the penall summe of Three thousand pounds XXXXXly by these p:rsents (the perills and dangers of the Seas and ReshXXX of XXXX and Rulers on the parte and behalfe of all the sd parties excepted and forrexpressed) In witness whereof//

//these ptes to the sd p:rsent Charterpties Indented have interchangeably putt their hands and seales the day and yeare first above written

//GEORGE COCK JAMES TEMPLE Sealed and delivered in the p:rsence of TIM BRIGGS Not pubb TIM BRIGGS Jun [Names in capitals are signatures]//


See C6/36/21 f. 1
See C6/36/21 f. 2
See C6/36/21 f. 4