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HCA 13/71 f.246r Annotate
First transcribed 30 September 2012  +
First transcriber Laura Seymour  +
Folio 246  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 30/09/2012  +
Transcription ''Constant warwick'', howbeit hee saith he''Constant warwick'', howbeit hee saith hee verily beleeveth that the<br /> ''Prosperous'' being right before a fresh gale of winde, might have<br /> come within rescue of her within halfe an houres space<br /> or a little more after the time of her yeelding, which shee might have held out if<br /> shee had not wanted shott and powder, and otherwise hee referreth<br /> him selfe to his foregoing deposition. William Tomknes [CRUDE BLOCK LETTER SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] Repeated before doctor Godolphin. ************************************************** The 13th of June 1656. Travers against Burridge and others.}<br /> Baker. Smith.} Examined upon an allegation given in<br /> on the behalfe of the said Burridge<br /> and company. '''9.2.[?us] in A.18.''' '''Rp. 1''' '''Roger Paxton''' of Redriff in the County of Surrey<br /> Mariner, aged 28 yeares or thereabouts sworne<br /> and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet To the first article hee saith that in the yeare and Moneths arlate the arlate Burridge<br /> and Company were freighters of the shipp the ''Martin'' whereof this deponent<br /> being the arlate Roger Paxton was Master for a voyage from this Port of<br /> London to the Canaries and back againe And further saving his subsequent deposition<br /> hee cannot depose/ To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that there being differences betwixt<br /> England and Spaine at the tyme of the arrivall of the shipp the ''Martin'' aforsayd<br /> at the Canarys, there there there was a generall reporte amongst Masters of English shipps and others, there<br /> that noe English shipps were to be permitted to lade there without paying Indulto<br /> money to the Governour of the sayd Islands And further to this hee cannot<br /> depose. saving hee saith hee beleeveth the sayd Burridge or his Agents did pay.<br /> to the Governour there Indulto money (but how much he knoweth not) for that this<br /> deponents sayd shipp was permitted to take in wines there./ To the 3 article hee saith that the sayd Burridge did for his owne and his companyes<br /> Account the voyage aforesayd lade wines aboard the sayd shipp the ''Martin'', which<br /> hee did (as this deponent beleeveth) after hee had paid Indulto money for<br /> for liberty soe to doe And further to this article hee cannot depose/ To the 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth<br /> that it is usuall among Merchants there at the Canarie Islands that when they send<br /> goods in boates a board shipps rideing there they send a note with the sayd goods<br /> expressing the Masters name and the shipps name aboard which the sayd goods are to be<br /> laden, and this deponent having traded thither two or three voyages as Master of<br /> a shipp hath receaved such noates from Merchants who sent goods aboard her And saith<br /> that the voyage in question hee this deponent receaved a letter sent to this deponent<br /> aboard his sayd shipp the ''Martin'' from the sayd Burridge expressing that hee the<br /> sayd Burridge has sent tenn pipes of wine marked with the bunch of grapes videlicet the marke in the margent in a Spanish boate to be delivered [MARKE, LH MARGIN] aboard this deponents shipp the ''Martin'', and that they were by mistake delivered<br /> aboard the ''John and Mary'' of London William Webber Master, and hereby ordered<br /> him this deponent to goe and demande and the sayd tenn pipes of wine and lade them on<br /> boarde his this deponents shipp the ''Martin'', and this deponent in performance of which<br /> his order did presently goe aboard the sayd shipp ''John and Mary'' of London and<br /> demand of the sayd Webber (the next day after their being laded aboard his sayd shipp<br /> the said tenn pipes of wyne for account of the sayd Burridge and company, and offer<br /> him selfe ready to take them alonge with him this deponent in his boate in case the saydhis deponent in his boate in case the sayd  +
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