MRP: 15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London
15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London
BL, Add. MS. XX,XXXX, ff. 34-36
Editorial history
13/12/11, CSG: Created page
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See biographical profile of Sir William Ryder
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[BL, Add. MS. XX,XXXX, ff. 34-36]
[f. 34]
Right Worp:ll & my Worthy ffriend
London 15th October 1667
I conforme y:e proceding lines to bee Coppy of my last p:via Aleppo sense w:ch is Come yo:es of y:e 24:th of Novemb 1666 p: shipp Returne who thanks bee to God is Gott safe to us & delivered; y:e ??comp:a & s:t George are also nye y:e River they ware in y:e ??goace [OR goare?] 2 dayes past & I hoope they may gett over this day, wee have A Court of salles on Thursday y:e 9:th present so our next [shipps is crossed out] y:t may tell yo:w how our suratt goods goe of w:ch will bee by y:e shipps y:t may dept towards yo:w after Christmaste so y:e Comp:a have thought fitt to send Cap:t Barker[1] in y:e nimble Pinke w:th hopes y:t shee may arrive w:th yo:w somtime in March & bring yo:w an Earnest of w:t y:e Comp:a Intends yo:w y:e Ensewing spring
& I cannot excuse myselfe that by this optewnity I send yo:w not a tast of good liquer w:ch I understand yo:e good Brother S:r He:n Oxinden suplyes now & I shall remem:r p y:e shipps – yo:e brother is often on y:e Exchange & in towne ffriquently about yo:e business, M:r Masters y:t was w:th Capt Bowing I shall take Care of y:t he may XXXXate to yo:w upon one of y:e Surartt shipps w:ch are not yett Apointed ffor though y:e Comp:a have ffraighted severall shipps yett they have not yett, resolved to w:ch ports they shall goe
I am sory y:t y:e xxxx perles prove so bad & doe hope yo:w may ffind out some way to dispose of y:m I shall hardly gett any from theme
[f. 35]
in time to goe to yo:w by y:e next ships I thanke yo:e rare & good resolution y:t yo:w will end w:th Benidasse & send me a release of y:e debt & also A lre of Atorny to recover heare w:t I can w:ch will Amount to lettle
Poore Jeremy having run out doth now indever to gett Imployment in his Ma:tes service , & if any shipp of his Ma:ties Comes out for Bombay itt is posable wee may gett him in or one of y:m
so pray send a release from Benedas of y:e Debts as were as y:t lre of Atorney – Expressing y:t he hath had satisfaction from me for y:e said debt of y:e ffalkner[2] whose estate was remited by M:r Reminton[3] unto y:e deceased J. Blackman[4], if y:e wine I sent proved well I pray let me know y:t I may gett more from y:e same hand honest Drayten[5] at y:e Great James[6] at Bishopsgatestreet
Our good friend honest S:r Willm Battin[7] dyed last night, God Almighty fitt us all for y:e howver, I am Crazie & cannot bee Long after him, having not yet recovered from y:t Could w:ch I tooke at Gravesend in Jewly & August, The Aggett hafts & beads w:ch yo:w sent by Cap:t Millet on Acc:t in ?3/3:d I doe still keepe y:e warehouse. I have sence S:r George Smiths death[8] shewed y:m & have bin offered but 100.ll starling for y:m all, thow they Cost me 3 times as much & Could I gett 150 ll ffor y:m they should goe The Amber sould well & Could procure a pcell of good muske ??ingraine such as yo:w & President Blackman[9] sent in his time it would yeld good mony marke it w:te y:e owne marke G.O. & Consigne it to me as for yoew owne acc:t & give ye Comp:a a hint of it in yo:e lre I hoope – you will ffind itt to Answer yo Expectation in Case make returns if y:e pearls sent out on ye Returne in y:t Comodity
And now y:t wee hoped on Tusday next to hae had a very hopefull sall of our Comp:as goods this day hath brought of 9 ships Arrivall in Holand of y:e Comp:as, w:ch hath even dashed all our hoopes, our thoughts were to be obtained 6:8 9: ??p:ll for our pep & y:e Dutie [OR Dutre] now bringing 12 C: baggs, wee cabbot now hope to have above halfe y:t monye & other goods will also fall som w:t in proportion
I shall say nothing to yo:w about Amber but shall ?Consern w:th S:r Hen:y about itt & happely yo:w may have a pcell by y:e ships in y:e spring & some false stones yo:w shall also have as in Copy
But send uo:e returnes in Amber Greace & muske for Diamonds if not well bought will yeld litle I Could wish yo:w might finde some good oportunity to recover our Damages of ?Saffage y:n I might have hopes of y:e granada shells & w:tever is ours shall
[f. 36]
be recovered I desire may be own halfe for yo:w prop Acc:t & y:e otherhalfe mine I have or shall buy of M:r Conyers, The Royall Comp:a are still in there kneews but not w:thout hopes Of A Joyfull resurrect: of w:ch more here after – I pray remember to bee as kinde as yo:w Cann to my ffreinds sonn M:r Portman, Myselfe & Wife w:th sonn & Dagter middletonn[10] Acknowledg yo:e kind remembrance of us & Return our dew respects, y:e Poore of trenety house pray for yo:e, & soe doth hee dayly who desires to Aprove himselfe
S:r yo:e most Cordiall ffreind & humble
Servant whilst
Will:m Rider
Edward Drayton, vintner
Edward Drayton, vintner, was resident in St. Helen's Bishopsgate in the 1650s and 1660s. In the parish register book there are records of a number of christenings for children of Edward Drayton and XXX, his wife:[11]
1653 August 28 Elizabeth d. of Edward Drayton, Vintner, and Jane his wife (p. 32)
1654 July 14 Anna d. of Edward Drayton, Vintner, and Jane his wife (was born) (p. 33)
1655 Aug. 26 Edward s. of Edward Drayton, Vintner, and Jane his wife (p. 34)
1656 Nov. 2 Jane d. of Edward Drayton, Vintner, and Jane his wife (p. 36)
1658 Jan 30 Edward s. of Edward Drayton, Vintnner. and Jane his wife (p. 38)
1660 March 25 Elizabeth d. of Edward Drayton, Vintner, and Jane his wife (p. 39)
?1661 June XX Mary d. of Edward Drayton, Vintner, and Jane his wife (p. 40)
1662 25 Dec. Liddia d. of Edward Drayton, Vintner, and Jane his wife (p. 41)
Edward Drayton: Hearthtax[12]
Bishop gat Street the East side
...Edward Drayton 18...
...Sr John Langham 30...
Bishops gate west
...Gressum Colledge 39...
In Great St Hellens
...Beniamine Skitt [This is probably more correctly Skutt] 12...
...Abraham Moone 12...
...Sr John Lawrence 28...
Little St Hellens
...Beniam Alben [This is probably more correctly Albyn/Albin] 8...
...Henry Spurstoe 10...
...Edward Bushell 11..."
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of Edward Drayton, Vintner of London 02 October 1677
Hackney Archives Department
Hackney Archives Department: Pearson estate records 1615 - 1851: ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE; (1) Samuel Ferrers; Henry Marchant junior; Thomas Wadington; (2) Edward Drayton, citizen and vintner of London. D/F/PEA/30 5 Aug 1675[13]
- See also: ASSIGNMENT; (1) Samuel Ferrers; (2) Edward Drayton D/F/PEA/32 5 Aug 1675
- ↑ ?Captain James Barker
- ↑ The identity of ffalkner is not known. See Missing faces
- ↑ ?Henry Remington
- ↑ Captain Jeremy Blackman, d. 1665
- ↑ Honest Drayton was the innkeeper of the Great or Old James in Bishopsgate Street. Latham & Mathews state that Drayton died a rich man in 1677. See Robert Latham, William Matthews, The diary of Samuel Pepys, vol. 10 (XXXX, XXXX), p. 424; see also PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of Edward Drayton, Vintner of London 02 October 1677
- ↑ The Great James in Bishopgate Street, London, was also known as the Old James, and later as the Ship Tavern. It was a sizeable tavern with eighteen hearths, and was visited on a number of occasions by Samuell Pepys in the 1660s. (Robert Latham, William Matthews, The diary of Samuel Pepys, vol. 10 (XXXX, XXXX), p. 424)
- ↑ Sir William Batten
- ↑ Sir George Smith died XXX. See XXXX
- ↑ Captain Jeremy Blackman was President of the English East India Company in Surat, XXXX-XXXX
- ↑ Sir William Ryder's daughter was married to the London merchant Richard Middleton
- ↑ W. Bruce Bannerman (ed.), The registers of St. Helen's Bishopsgate, London (London, 1904)
- ↑ 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Helen Bishopsgate ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011). URL: Date accessed: 23 December 2011
- ↑, viewed 23/12/11