MRP: 22nd March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Bludworth to Sir GO, London
22nd March 1662/63, Letter from Thomas Bludworth to Sir GO, London
BL, Add. MS. 40,708 - 40,713, vol. 235, year 1666/1667, ff. 35-36
Editorial history
22/05/09, CSG: Completed transcription
14/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
Abstract & context
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To do
(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript at BL
This transcription has been completed, but requires checking
[BL, Add. MS. 40,708 - 40,713, vol. 235, year 1666/1667, ff. 35-36]
[f. 34]
S:r Geo: Oxinden
London the 22:th March : 1662/3
S:r I am now bespoke to enter into This Theame by y:e wrong practice of my life by complem:t but knowing it is not unto a Lady nor a Courtier I shall w:thout blushing pass y:e complement though homelie y:t I trust is y:e Answer of o:r Prayers & hearty wishes for yo:r safe Arrivall & healthie & happie settlement
[f. 35]
W:ch God Increase to yo:r full content; The Assurance you have given of yo:r Justice unto all & my ffreinds y:e owners of Shipp Affrican whereof Rob:t ffisher[1] is commander makeing Some Assurance to themselves y:t it cannot be sooner Aske by a knowne hand to you then graunted hath put ?y:r upon me to Second y:e Comp:a pleasure by o:r Intreatie y:t you wold looke upon o:r damsell (sic) & her Commander & to lett her fare According to how Just meritt y:t is to have soe equall ?proportion of goods of all sorts she being á Shipp of great charge deserves some ffavo:r but we thinke y:t wilbe fullie paid us w:th yo:r Justice & y:t we will rely upon; y:e Next is to command Cap:t ffisher to you upon mine & another ffreinds Acc:t who will arriveing in Safetie intreate yo:r ffav:r for y:e Investm:t of a Stock of Severall goods Amo:t to 100:ll [I AM NOTY SURE THIS NUMBER IS CORRECT] w:ch we Incline to have made Returne of in y:e least Room possible if in Commodities probable to turne to Acco:t w:ch wee will leave to your Wisdome alwaies pvided it be not in Com:o w:thout o:r bounds in this I doe value my Selfee saveing Soe much experience of yo:r Respect to me & my wife,[2] who makes me y:e most Trouble to you by one Line of her Respects Added to mine who am
Yo:r Affectionate Freind
To Serve you
Tho: Bludworth