MRP: 24th March 1662/63, Letter from William Rider to Sir GO, London
24th March 1662/63, Letter from William Rider to Sir GO, London
BL, MS. XX,XXX, ff. 43-44
Editorial history
22/05/09, CSG: Completed transcription
13/12/11, CSG: Restructured page
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(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript in BL
This transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked
[BL, MS. XX,XXX, ff. 43-44]
London March y:e 24:th 1662/3
Right Worp:ll S:r
I intend to be large by o:r Freind Cap:t Nich:o Millet on whome you will have y:e Venetian Ware & w:ch you ardered to be sent, Viz:t 3 boxes w:th false Pearle q:t as p Invoyce w:ch ?dost w:th Charges on board Ster ??ll [scribe has inserted five dots (". . . . ."but no number] of w:ch note for yo:r Acco:t 1/3 pt, for Acco:t Smith 1/3 pt & for my Acco:t y:e other 1/3 pt, w:ch you may please to reservem w:ch God shall send y:e Shipp Safe unto you & expose to Sale as you find occasion makeing returnes in good Diamonds or any other Commodity y:t is not Inhibited & of Small bulke ?w:ea leave wholy to yo:r care
S:r I must begg yo:r excuse & favourable Censure for my long silence, but hereto forward I shall Trouble you ?ofner if itt may not Trespass on yo:r more Serious Occasions, I shalbe very Joyfull to heare of yo:r Safe Arrivall in India & y:t you will being Offend:es to Condigne Punshm:t w:ch y:e Comp:a doth much desire to heare as you will perceive by there Gen:ll Lres to you
If you please to returne S:r Geo: Smith & me a pcell of
Cornelion haftes or long beades w:ch y:e blackes in Guiny use for great Jewells they will noe doubt turne well to Acco:t such Joyes [OR “Toyes”] in returne of o:r Pearles may find a better Acco:t than Richer Commodities.
I am Intreated by D:r Clarke a worthy pson y:t if one Peeter Thomas who is in them pts comes w:thin yo:r dominion you wilbe kind to him, he was at ffort S:t George, & once a Serv:t to Agent Grenell; What passeth in yo:r Affaires here you will heare at Large by bett:r hands, & for other Otturences shall enlarge by Cap:t Millett Soe Rest
Yo:rs to Love & Serve you
William Rider