MRP: 26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith & William Rider, London, Letter 2
26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith & William Rider, London, Letter 2
BL, Add. MS. XX,XXX, f. 51
Editorial history
Abstract & context
Suggested links
See biographical profile Sir George Smith
See biographical profile Sir William Ryder
See Sir George Smith will
See Sir William Ryder will
See 25th August 1662, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, London
See 25th August 1662, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, Letter 2
See 26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith & William Rider, London
See 19th May 1663, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, London
See 10th July 1663, Letter from Sir George Smith, Jonathan Dawes & Daniell Pennington, London
See 10th August 1663, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, London
See 10th August 1663, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO
See 19th April 1667, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, London
To do
(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript in BL
This transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked
[BL, Add. MS. XX,XXX, f. 51]
Right Worp: & Our)
Vey Hono:d ffreind)
In London y:e 26:th of March 1663
S:r these few lines onely to accomp:a y:e Inclosed Invoyce of [X] three Boxes or small Chests of fal:se pearles w:ch you weere (sic) pleased before yo:r Departure hence to enorder us to provide & send you & wee wish may finde Dis[ach -??] to Content ; theire cost & charges you will finde to bee 234:ll;4s:9d. w:ch wee have w:th yo:r good likeing & aprobation devided into 3/3 p:t one third p:t for yo:r prop: Acco:t & y:e other 2/3 foreach of us one; Each p:t amounts to 79:9s:3d. w:th some for yo:r p:t being Disbursed by W:R you may please to make it him good & if you think fitt to send Retourne in small Diamonds ruffe, but rather all or most p:t of it in yo:r Curnelian haftes or long ?Boades fitt for y:e Guinye trade if too bee procured good & cheape & y:e best in esteeme are them of á Darke Clowdy read of which I presume you will have a patterne or stampe sent by some other hand and Dyamonds well bought are excellent good. Muske may doo as well, which wee leave to yo:r good selfe Wee have concerned o:r selves in those [OR “these”] small Toyes w:ch you out of o:r desires to serve you & to make á small beginning of dooing some w:t to gather w:ch it may bee any way acceptable by you please freely dispose of them y:t are & desire to bee
Yo:r Cordiall ffreinds to serve
Geo: Smith
Wil:m Rider