Tools: PROB 11/286/476 Will of Samuell Pixley, Merchant of London 01 February 1659

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PROB 11/286/476 Will of Samuell Pixley, Merchant of London 01 February 1659

(PROB 11/286 Will of Samuell Pixley, Merchant of London 01 February 1659)

Editorial history

12/12/11, CSG: Restructured page

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See PROB 11/221/159 Will of John Pixly, Merchant of Smyrna, Turkey 16 March 1652 (brother of Samuel Pixley)

To do

(1) Check this transcription


Sam:ll Pixley [In RH margin]

In the name of God Amen I Samuell Pixley of London Merchant being sick In body but of perfect memory doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeth (viz:t)

FFIRST I committ my soule into the hands of God hoping that God will have mercy on me and pardon me in and for the sake of Jesus Christ And for my worldly goods I give and bequeath them as followeth

IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath to my brother Richard Pixley one hundred pounds to be paid Twelve months after my decease

ITEM I give and bequeath to my Loveing sister M:rs Anne Cox one hundred pounds to be paid Twelve months after my decease

ITEM I give and bequeath to William Cox sonne to my sister Cox one hundred and ffifty pounds stxx to be paid to his father Twelve months after my decease and I desire his father to dispose of it for his sonnes best advantage

ITEM I give and bequeath to William Cox sonne to my sister Cox one hundred and ffifty pounds ?Ster: to be paid to his father Twelve moneths after my decease and I desire his father to dispose of it for his sonnes best advantage

ITEM I give to my brother Cox ffive pounds to buy him a Ring

ITEM I give to my loveing sister Elizabeth Pixley Tenn pounds to buy her a Ring

ITEM I give and bequeath to the Godly poore of the Citty of Coventry in the parrish of S:t Michaells one hundred pounds starling to be paid twelve moneths after my decease And I doe intreat D:r Ob: Greene and Major Rob: ?Bente to dispose of it where it may be most usefull

ITEM I give to D:r Obadiah Greene ffive pounds to buy him a Ring to be paid him six moneths after my decease

ITEM I give to Major Bent fforty shillings to buy him a Ring

ITEM I give and bequeath to M:r Edm: Calamy ffive pounds to buy him a Ring

ITEM I give and bequeath to M:rs Susanna Smart for her care ánd love to mee tenn pounds to be paid her three months after my decease

ITEM all rest and residue of my estate I give and bequeath to John Pixley and Richard Pixley and Ann Pixley my deare nephews equally to be divided between them And if it shall please God that any of them shall dye Then my will is it shall goe to the survivour

ITEM I make and ordaine my loveing Brother Richard Pixley sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament nothing doubting but he will pay my debts and see all things performed as above and see mee decently interred

Lastly I desire there may be noe Scruple made for want of Sealing and witnesses it being my owne acte and deed

witnes (sic) my hand this Twenty Nynth day of September One Thousand Six Hundred ffifty and Eight.


THIS WILL was proved att London the ffirst day of ffebruary One Thousand Six Hundred ffifty eight (English Stile) before the Judges for Probate of Wills and granting Administratons lawfully authorised by the oath of Richard Pixley the brother and sole Executor named in the above written will To whom was granted Administratōn of all and singular the goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased, he being first sworne truly to Administer the same.


Possible primary sources


C 9/24/39 Cocke v. Pixley 1661
C 9/24/48 Cocke v. Pixley 1661
C 9/24/47 Cocke v. Pixley 1661
C 9/26/40 Cock v. Pixley 1661
C 9/228/178 Pixley v. Cock 1661
C 9/409/267 Pixley v. Cock 1662

C 10/99/150 Pixley v Cocke 1663

C 22/237/44 Cox v Pixley. Between 1558 and 1714