MRP: HCA 1/8

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HCA 1/8 1648-1660

Editorial history

01/05/12, CSG: Created page
01/05/12, CSG: Made 9 digital images (P1110083 to P1110091)

Suggested links

See HCA 1/9 1660-1674

See Admiralty court cases

See Synthesis
See Transcription

To do

Physical description

Sample transcriptions

P1110083 recto

High quality digital image

P1110084 f. 5

High quality digital image

P1110085 f. ?

High quality digital image

P1110086 f. ?

High quality digital image

P1110087 f. 8

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P1110088 f. ?

High quality digital image

P1110089 f. ?

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P1110090 f. 29

High quality digital image

//Brixton H:d. in)
Com Surrey)

The names of the Jurors for the said Hundred
of Brixton warn?id to bee and appeare before
the Highe Co:rt. of Admiralty at Southwark
on thursday the xx.:th day of ffebruary 1650
at one of the Clock in the afternoone of
the same day as follow./

-. John Poole of Mortlake gent. - Jur.
-. Manalssis Watfore of the same - Jur.
-. Abraham Ba?ker of the same - Jur.
-. Thomas Edwarde of the same - 13:s. 4:d.
- John Lyford of the same - Jur
-. Samuell Merridith of the same
-. Edward Clayton of the same
-. Thomas Eastley of the same
-. Robert Boughton of Putney gent - 13:s. 4:d.
-. William Garritt of the same - Jur.
-. John ?Litler of the same - Jur.
-. Peter Brooke of the same
n: William Milborne of the same - 13:s. 4:d.
-. Nicholas Waxham of the same
-. Richard Waxham of the same
n. Anthony Lucas of the same - 13:s. 4.d.
?Exr. Henry Parkman of the same - [13:s. 4.d. AMOUNT CROSSED OUT]
-. George Woolmer of the same
-. ffrancis ffisher of the same
-. William Jewer of ?Barnoe
-. Thomas ?Nash of the same
-. Robert Burgesse of the same
-. Richard White of the same - 13:s. 4:d
-. James Courtley of the same
-. Milis Henwood of the same
-. Richard Edwarde of the same
-.XXXver Lirke of the same
-. George Waterson of the same 28.


Willis XXXXXX Ar

P1110091 f. ?

High quality digital image