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EL 7002 f.11v Annotate +moste place at such rates that [t]he Buiers professe openly they<br /> will not pay and worke, and that [t]hey cannot live excepte<br /> they may steale. And lastly many new and (as we thinke)<br /> unwarranted allowance upon the seabookes. Namely the<br /> double or rather treble payments of wage to new erected<br /> leiutennants, viceadmiralls, and others, who receiving<br /> first 20 s or 10 s per diem in the exchequer, receive againe the<br /> same wages for themselves upon the shipps Charge, and<br /> receiving 8. or .16. mens wages in the Exchequer for their [retinne] <br /> likewise somany mens wages form the Treasurer of the Navye<br /> and againe allowan[c]e for [the] victualls of somany men from the <br /> [Surveiors] of victualls. Wee understand allso that of late<br /> three principall officers of the Navy have each of them<br /> allowance of the wages and victualls for a deadpaye in <br /> every shipp at Sea, and that in Narrow seas there is an<br /> allowance demanded for a preacher and his man, though<br /> noe such devotion be ever used aboard, and wee finde 7<br /> or 8 Admiralls, viceadmiralls, and Captens w[i]th <br /> Extraordinary allowance in one yeare. /. 9 Cause./. Wee ffind the chiefe and inward causes of all disorder to be the<br /> multitude of officers, and povertie of wages, and that [t]he chiefe<br /> officers Commit all the truste to their inferiors and Clerks, whereof<br /> some homeparte of their maintenance from the Merchants, that <br /> [deliver] in the provisions, w[hi]ch they are trusted to receive, and these<br /> men are allso governed by the Cheife officers verball direccons<br /> w[hi]ch the directors themselves will not give under their hands<br /> when it is required; And w[hi]ch of all is moste inconveniente<br /> they are the warrants and vouchies for the Issueinge of all his<br /> Majesty’s moneyes, and stores, whoe are moste interrested in the the<br /> greatnes of his Expence, And therefore the busines ever was<br /> and still is soe carryed, that neither due survey is taken of<br /> ought that cometh in, nor orderly warrant given for moste<br /> that goeth oute, nor any perticuler accompte made, nor now<br /> possible to be made of any one maine worke or service that is<br /> Done. /.  +
EL 7002 f.12r Annotate +[BLANK MANUSCRIPT]  +
EL 7002 f.12v Annotate +[BLANK MANUSCRIPT PAGE]  +
EL 7002 f.13r Annotate +Propositions for bettering the state and <br /> lessening the charge of the shipps that now [Xemxemie] Havine laid open the present decayes and charges of the<br /> Navie, and the Causes thereof, [XXX] some in the same order to<br /> offer our propositions for the better setting for 70 of the shipps<br /> as they now are and secondly of a [XXXestable] that, as they<br /> may be hereafter ffor the Shipps as now they are we have considered<br /> 1 Their Number<br /> 2 Their State<br /> 3 Their Charge The Number ffor the number we think fitt that these 23. shipps of warre 2.<br /> [Xoyes] one lighter which we estemee servicable should be<br /> Confirmed in Charge<br /> And forther 12 unserviceable. That the ''Elizabeth'', ''Jonas'', ''[?Crimmson]''<br /> (which are in the dock at Woolwich cann or be [Xemoned]) be<br /> sould to his Majesties beste profitt to any that will give moste, and<br /> breake them up at their owne Charge That the ''Guardland'', ''Maricisose???'' (being at Chatham) be haled on<br /> ground there they may beste be imployed to wharfe the new Docke. That the Timber remaining for the ''[XXemontana Quittance]'' be<br /> put to other uses so as the building of those unserviceable shipps<br /> may [sucease] That the distance be brought on ground or abord some other Shipp<br /> for as the [moring] guarding of that Trifle may be noe more [thaXye] That the '' '' in Friland?? be sould or disposed soe as the <br /> [sXXiced] on that coste may notte increase by her [???] That the ''[?Boneaventure], ''Advantage'', ''Charles'', the ketch be put<br /> oute of Charge which are not in beinge That the 4 gallies be laid up in a Creeke, which wee have some found nere<br /> the shipp where without Charge or Danger they may be kepte till<br /> they be used or disposed of The State of the Shipps ffor the state of the ships for Carpentry we propound that there <br /> [] and decayed as they are [?privately] set downe in the<br /> Books of survey may yearly be repaied soe as in five yeares  +
EL 7002 f.1r Annotate +[Although undated, this document is similar to TNA, SP 14.156, f. 18-20, dated 13 December 1623] Accordinge to his Majesties Commission and your<br /> honnors instructions, wee have surveyed and<br /> considered the Navie and here deliver our<br /> accoumpte both what we finde the<br /> Condicon and government thereof to<br /> bee at this present and how we<br /> conceive it may be better<br /> established and grounded<br /> hereafter For the present you may please to understand what is 1. The Number of Shipps<br /> 2. Their State<br /> 3. Their Charge The Number of Shipps as they are named upon the Threasorers booke with their<br /> Tonn and Tonnage---Menn in Harboroughe---Menn at Sea Prince Royall – 1200---30---500<br /> White Beare - 900---30---500<br /> Merehoneur - 800---30---400<br /> Anne Royall – 800---17---400<br /> Dieu Repulse - 700---15---350<br /> Defiance - 700---12---250<br /> Wastpright - 600---12---300  +
EL 7002 f.1v Annotate +[the following ships are] to be made servicable 23 Assurance – 600---12---250<br /> Vantguard – 600---12---250<br /> Red Lyon – 500---12---250<br /> Nonsuch – 500---12---250<br /> Rainbowe – 500---12---250<br /> Dreadnaught – 400---10---200<br /> Speedwell – 400---10---200<br /> Anthelop – 350---10---160<br /> Adventure – 250---9---120<br /> Crane – 200---6---100<br /> Answere – 200---6---100<br /> Phenix – 150---6---100<br /> Lyons Whelpe – 90---4---60<br /> Moone – 100---4---45<br /> Seaven Starrs – 100---4---40<br /> Desire – 50---4---40 [total for all serviceable ships] 10690 Tonns---279 Menn[in harboroughe]---5115 men [at sea] Hoies to be made serviceable George – 100 [tons]---2 [men at sea]<br /> Primrose – 80 [tons]---8[men at sea]<br /> [total – 180 [tons] ---10 [men at sea]  +
EL 7002 f.20r Annotate +[BLANK MANUSCRIPT PAGE]  +
EL 7002 f.20v Annotate +[BLANK MANUSCRIPT PAGE]  +
EL 7002 f.2r Annotate +To be made servicable Eagle Lighter – 200---5<br /> 200 Tonns---4 men Decaied and unserviceable<br /> 11 shipps & Pinnaces<br /> 1 Ketch Elizabeth Jonas – 900 ---30---500<br /> Triumph – 1000---30---500<br /> Guardland – 700---12---30<br /> Marirose – 600---12---250<br /> Bonadventure – 560---3---250<br /> Quittance – 200---6---100<br /> Advantage – 200---5---100<br /> Tramontana – 160---6---70<br /> Primrose pinnace – 30---0---20<br /> Disdaine – 30---3---16<br /> Charles – 100---3---50<br /> Ketch – 10---0---2<br /> [total for decaied and unserviceable ships] – 4490 Tonns---110 men---2158 men Gallies + unserviceable Superplativa – 100---6---335<br /> Advantagia – 100---6---325<br /> Volatillia – 100---6---325<br /> Gallerita – 100---6---325<br /> [total for gallies] – 400 Tonns---24 men---1310 men  +
EL 7002 f.2v Annotate +The State of the Shipps Ffor their state we have surveighed both their carpentry and<br /> furniture Ffor carpentry his Ma[jes]ties M[aste]r Shippwrights and other skilfull<br /> M[aster]s of that facultie, whome wee joyned with them have<br /> the 11 shipps one ketch and 4 gallies laste manned, part<br /> not in being, and the rest of Irreparable and not fitt to<br /> be continued in charge, for the Reasons particulerly set<br /> downe in the Booke of Survey. They have allso discovered many Imperfections and decaies<br /> in the former 23 shipps of warre, 2 hoyes and lighter, which<br /> they have set downe likewise, particulerly in the same<br /> booke and estimated the necessary charges for the<br /> perfecte Reperacons thereof. Which for two of them the Rainbow and<br /> Anthelop being in drie docke at Debtford<br /> doe amount to -- £5379 11s 3d And for the Reste in harborough including<br /> Masts, yards, pumps, parells, shivers<br /> And Boates the some of -- £4541 0s 0d Totall -- £9920 11s 3d Ffor the ffurniture of all these Shipps wee have allso caused<br /> a diligent survey to be taken by the principall Masters of the Navy<br /> assisted with the Cheife Masters of the Trinity house, who have<br /> accordingly collected into Bookes the perticuler wants of<br /> every shipp both for Ringing and sailes. The defects of Ringing (as they shew) doe<br /> require for supplie of all sizes of cordage<br /> the full quantities of – 93 tonns 18c[hundredweight] 2qr[quarter] 12lbs Which in money at the price now paid coms to -- £3287 11s 0d The ---defects of sailes<br /> are allso set downe particulerly for every shipp<br /> in the survey booke thereof whereby appeareth that<br /> many shipps are alltogether unfurnished and<br /> few or none have full suits. Soe as the number<br /> of sailes wanting to set out the serviceable<br /> shipps are – 182 sailes The supplie whereof to be maide new would<br /> require a further charge of -- £2000 Ffor Anchors there is a like survey taken and noe defecte found  +
EL 7002 f.34r Annotate +Moneyes due to be repaid by the Kings Merchants<br /> for somuch Received by them for Cordage delivered<br /> by lighte weights./. ffor a pound under weight in evert ''Cth''' of<br /> 2761 Tonns of Cordage 828-6-6<br /> Total debt to be levied to his Majestes Chest - 2179-6-6 besides the [?XXXX] and unlawfull allowances confured upon<br /> the Bookes of our proportions there be other payments made [?wherein]<br /> [?leane] to [ADD DATA] Out of the Exchequer these./. A Capten generall at the Narrow Seas - 481-3-4 A vice Admirall at Narrow Seas allowed by pattente<br /> 10 ''s'' per diem and by privy seale for 7 servants 10 ''s'' a peece per mensem 324-12-8<br /> An other for service there - 182-10-0<br /> A Surveyor of Tonnage - 18-5-0 Under the Charge of which office resteth the controllment of the<br /> Tonnage of all ships new builte, the yearly charge whereof<br /> to his Majesty is per medin - 1888-1-5./. A store Keeper at Woolwich - 44-8-4<br /> Clearers of the Roades - 30-0-0<br /> A Capten for the pay of 20 souldiers in [?Upn] Castle - 243-6-8<br /> Totall - 1244-6-0 Paid by the Treasurer of<br /> the Navy To a Capten in Upner - 30-0-0<br /> To a keeper of the Outestores at Debtdord - 66-13-4 Some of Vothe - 1340-19-4./.  +
EL 7002 f.34v Annotate +[BLANK MANUSCRIPT PAGE]  +
EL 7002 f.35v Annotate +Report<br /> on the<br /> State of the Royal Navy<br /> with recommendations [REST OF MANUSCRIPT PAGE IS BLANK]  +
EL 7002 f.3r Annotate +This being the number and present condicon<br /> of the shipps the charge thereof followeth which is<br /> yearly paid oute of his Majesties Exchequer partly<br /> Immediately to sundry patentees and partly immediately<br /> to the Threasurer of the Navy and Surveyor of victualls. The Patents are for offices and service, whereof some are of<br /> Antient institucon, and many of late erecion since<br /> his Majesties Raigne. The Antient patentees and their paints[?] are these The Lord High Admirall of England - £133 6s 8d The Leuie Tennant of Thadmiralltie which was<br /> bestowed all Queene Elizabeths time - £322 18s 4d The Threasurer of the Navy for his fee tra-<br /> veiling charges, boatehire and Clarkes - £220 13s 4d Comptroller of the Navy the like - £155 6s 8d Surveyor of the Navy for the like - £145 6s 8d Surveyor of the victualls for the like - £159 10s 0d Clerke of the Navy for the like - £100 3s 4d Keeper of the stores generall for the like - £78 5s 10d Keeper of the stored at Portsmouth - £20 0s 0d Three assistants to the officers - £60 0s 0d A Master for grounding the Greate Shipps - £9 2s 6d Three Master Shipwrights - £66 18s 4d [in the margin – ‘at first but two’] A Pilate or Master for the black deepes - £20 0s 0d Totall - £1491 11s 8d The new erections since his Majesties Raigne A Captaine generall at the Narrow Seaes for his<br /> ffee at xxs per diem one Clerke at viijd and xvj<br /> servants at xs per mensem - £481 12s 8d<br /> [in the right-hand margin ‘Besides £663 18d 8d paid to<br /> him by the Threasurer and<br /> victualler of the Navy’] A vice admirall of the Narrow Seas for his owne<br /> ffee at xs per diem and viij servants at xs per<br /> mensem the later by privy seale onely - £234 12s 8d<br /> [in the right-hand margin ‘Besides £182 10s 0d paid by<br /> the Threasurer of the Navy’] An other for service at the Narrow Seas at<br /> the like rate of xs per diem - £182 10s 0d<br /> [in the right-hand margin ‘Besides xs per diem when<br /> he serveth at Sea’]  +
EL 7002 f.4r Annotate +[?which] yeares the median of the Treasurer's<br /> ordinary payments for wages and provisions is - 15698 - 8 - 1/4 ffor the same ffoure yeares the ordinary paiments<br /> made to the surveyor of victualls for <br /> victualling the Companies in harborough are these/ ANNO <br /> 1614 - 3752 - 3 - 9 and a half<br /> 1615 - 3770 - 8 - 2 and a half <br /> 1616 - 4401 - 7 - 7 and a half<br /> 1617 - 3660 - 18 - 2 and a half Totall - 15584 - 17 - 10 Whereof the median of ordinary payments<br /> for victualls is 3896 - 4 - 5 Soe at the yearly ordinary charge<br /> for wage and victualls for the <br /> ships in harborough is a median - 19595 - 12 - 5 Extraordinary payments are made for<br /> Seaservice, greate provisions or the repairing in drie<br /> Docke and mere building of Ships/ ffor Seaservice we make our Charge in like manner by <br /> the median of the same foure yeares according to the<br /> like Certificate signed by the Lord admirall and officers<br /> of the Navie, and by the payments made out of Thexchequer<br /> because we are [?DepiXXX] of the perticular accompts<br /> and we take our median not higher soe that in the <br /> yeare 1613. the ''Lady Elizabeth'' Transported to <br /> Flushing, and thereby the Charge may seeme to be <br /> increased, but for these 4 yeares it was borne upon<br /> the warrant Dormant, for the narrow Seas, and in<br /> the Treasurer's office was this/ ANNO<br /> 1614 - 11205 - 12 - 4<br /> 1615 - 11011 - 12 - 10<br /> 1616 - 8199 - 12 - 8 <br /> 1617 - 9944 - 15 - 4 Totall - 40361 - 13 - 2  +
EL 7002 f.6v Annotate +3 Cause/ The waighte in his Majesty's storehouse at Debtford have<br /> continued many yeares to lighte aboute a pounde in a <br /> hundreth as the clerkes do counfelle, the losse whereof<br /> in 2761 tonne - 4 pounds - 6 hundreths of cordage [?Received] from the contractors<br /> is £828 - 6 shillings - 6 pence and what more hath been loste in the<br /> muscovia cordage and all other prepositions taken in <br /> by these waights we are not able to estimate/. 4 Cause/ As the waighte have lesse, soe the Books have continued<br /> more waighte then they oughte, for there wee found a<br /> cable of 16 inches 4/4 entred 2 hundreth waighte heavier then it<br /> bare upon the scale, and when it was excused by two<br /> yeares drying, wee compared for further triall 46 of <br /> these with 46 of like length and size of the best Muscovia<br /> provision as both waighed at their size takeing in, and<br /> these waighed more by 7 tonne - 2 pounds - 2 hundreths - 26 which in money <br /> riseth to 249 - 15 - 6; Againe comparinge a cable of 15<br /> inches of this store with an other from Muscovia of a later<br /> making the English that was found heavier 4 hundred 1/2 weight and comparing<br /> this making with itself a cable of VI inches .96 fathom<br /> weighed but 50 hundred weight - 3 quarters - 21 pounds. and another of VI inches, and <br /> but 93 ffathom weighed 56 hundred weight - 0 quarters - 11 pounds which is a difference and<br /> above seaven pounds in the price But Beside this probabillitie of abuse in the cordage <br /> we finde by cCnfession that 1000 waighte of iron<br /> was added to one Bill or other worke then the Kinge's<br /> wee heare of much more in this Kinde ./. 5 Cause./ Manye necessary works have beene neglected which <br /> might have the Shipps from decaye and <br /> workmen suffered to Clamour and dishonour the<br /> state whilste his Majesties Treasure hath bene<br /> expended upon superfluous emptions namely upon a<br /> masse of Bad Cordage for which in the yeare 1609 the  +
EL 7007 f.1v Annotate +Capteyne Thomas King plaintiff<br /> contra Humfry Slane defendante/ Instructions for the plaintiffs Councell./ In the yeare 1625, the plaintiff bought this shipp called the ''Anne'' at Flushinge, beeing there Master<br /> of the Admirall of the narrow seas, and at his returne meeting with Mr Slany the defendante, who<br /> had understood the Plaintiff had brought the said shipp, the said defendant was desirous to buy a halfe<br /> part thereof of the plaintiff, promising that shee should not want ymployment, ffor that hee being<br /> a merchant, would fraight her himselfe, because hee had information, that shee sayled well. The Plaintiff set the said shipp unto the defendante for 13 ''li'' per monethe, The mony which the plaintiff receaved<br /> for the said defendante for the said halfe part, was not sufficient to furnish the said shipp to sea<br /> in fitting manner, And as for ordnance, at that time there were none to bee bought for<br /> mony, by reason of the warres then newly begunne, the Newcastle men having bought<br /> all the small ordnance, But the defendant Slany being desirous to have some ordnance in her<br /> did borrow two small peeces out of the ''John and Humfry'', and two out of another<br /> shipp./ The first voiage, shee proceeded to these Islands according to the Charter party, and came<br /> home laden with Merchants goods of Colchester, that hired her of the defendante The said shipp being returned, the plaintiff (living at Sandwich, Being Master of the Admirall, of the <br /> narrow seas could not come to London, sodainly, but the defendante wrott unto him, that the said<br /> shipp the ''Anne'' was come home, and that hee was proffered a fraight to the same place<br /> againe, unto which the plaintiff returned answere, That hee the defendante, having all the<br /> fraight in his hands, would cause her to bee made ready, for that hee the plaintiff did not<br /> dislike of the voiage, and that the Plaintiff would bee with him the defendant before shee could<br /> bee made ready. which he was acccordingly, But the setting forth of the second voiadge<br /> and part of the first, cost the plaintiff threescore and tenne pounds besides the halfe of the<br /> Shippe, So as the said defendante hath had the said Shipp for nothing, and also the<br /> adventure of the two voiages, the plaintiff having hither received no part thereof, but<br /> hopeth to receive according to his adventure. This suite hath continued 5 yeares, and cost the plaintiff a great deale of mony./ At the plaintiffs coming to London, hee and the defendant agreed to lett the said shipp goe on<br /> this voiage, but the fedendante would have her goe upon the former Chrter Partie, unto which<br /> the plainfiffe would not consent, whereupon another was drawne, But the Shipp was gone<br /> as low as Blackwell, before the plaintiff telling the defendante hee would stay the shipp if hee did<br /> not seale., After which the plaintiff went home about his business, and had no conference<br /> with the Master nor Scrivener, nor had spoken with the Master a moneth before., which<br /> plainly showes, The plaintiff had no private Contract, other then appeares by the<br /> Charter partie. And to that which the sefendante saith, that the said shipp should goe for a man of warre<br /> and that hee would take out a letter of Marte, this plaintiff doth deny, ffor that hee the<br /> plaintiff should have bene as ready as the defendante to have borne his part of the letter of<br /> Mart, which could not have bene much, And in these last warres, the plaintiff ventured<br /> much, and went himselfe Capteyne in his owne shipp, which showes hee would not<br /> have bene backward in the other motion pretended by the defendante./ And the plaintiff verily beleeveth, the said shipp the ''Anne'' had no letter of Marke in her<br /> But since this prize was taken it is given out that the ''playne John'' had one, and<br /> hee had put the said ''Anne'' (unknowne to the plaintiff) into the said Letter of Marte, to<br /> bee her Pynnace, and the defendante was at no charge thereof; which cannot bee a cause<br /> to deprive the plaintiff of the benefitt of that which the shipp was adventured for<br /> ffor that the defendant Slany might take out a letter of mart privily, and keepe it<br /> in his Chest at home, and his parter the plaintiff not know of it, and give order to the<br /> Master in private to doe what hee the defendant pleased, ffor the Master was of his the<br /> defendants owne shipping, and allwaies went in his goods, So that his partner the plaintiff<br /> might have no knowledge of it./  +
EL 7010 f.7r Annotate +Lett Master Walter Cook Deputy Master of the Trinity<br /> house and Captain [Best], knowe that the Earle<br /> of Bridgewater uppon Reference from his Majesty<br /> desires their company at his house in Barbycan,<br /> betweene 2 & 3 of the Clocke in the afternoone<br /> uppon Satterday next 2° Febr[uary].<br /> 29° January 1627  +
EL 7012 f.9r Annotate +warne Master Humfrey Slaney merchant to attend att<br /> Bridgewaster house in Barbycan uppon Satturdaye<br /> 2 ffebr. Betweene 2 and 3 of the Clocke in the <br /> afternoon; by vertue of reference from his Majesty<br /> to the Earle of Bridgewater and others, uppon the<br /> Returon of Thomas King Marryner, Concerninge<br /> the freight of a Shippe. 29 January 1627  +


HCA 13/124 f.100v Annotate +saveing his former Answers hee doeth<br /> not beleeve the said position to bee<br /> true in any parte thereof. To the 14th pretended position hee<br /> answereth that for his parte hee doeth<br /> note beleeve the said position to bee<br /> true in any parte thereof./ To the 15th pretended position hee an<br /> swereth that for his parte hee doeth<br /> not beleeve the said position to bee<br /> true in any parte thereof./ Gos: Goddard [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] ******************************** The 10th of June 1651 [CENTRE HEADING] Repeated before}<br /> doctor Exton} The personall Answers of '''Robert'''<br /> '''Lewellin''' made to the positions of an<br /> Allegation given in this cause on the<br /> behalfe of douglas [?Runston] doe followe To the first pretended position hee answereth and<br /> beleeveth that it is not the custome either<br /> for freighters or owners of any shipps or<br /> vessells which saile to any of the places<br /> arlate to pay ant thinge unto the Chirur<br /> geon of a shipp more then his ordinary<br /> wages for which hee is hired for, for<br /> or in leiw of any passingers they carry<br /> in any such voyadge for theire owne Account<br /> if they carry not above forty passingers and<br /> in case they doe carry more they doe not<br /> pay above the summe of 1 ''s''. per head and hee<br /> referreth himselfe to his former Answer<br /> made to a former Allegation given in this cause<br /> which hee beleeveth to bee true And  +
HCA 13/124 f.101v Annotate +12th Juni 1651. [CENTRE HEADING] Repeated before}<br /> doctor Exton} '''det [?X]. 5./''' The fuller and playner answears<br /> of '''Josias Goddard''' made to the<br /> 2. 3. 4. 6th. and 13th. articles of the<br /> allegation given in against him<br /> on the behalfe of William<br /> Jenny doe followe To the second third fowerth sixth and<br /> thirteenth pretensed positions hee<br /> answereth and referreth himselfe to<br /> his former answears and further this<br /> rendent answeareth and beleeveth that<br /> upon the order of the said Paulett<br /> mentioned in his former answears<br /> made to the second position of the said<br /> Jennys allegation this rendent and<br /> his partner Edward Bennett did at<br /> or neere Cale shipp or cause to bee<br /> shipped on board the ''Mayden head''<br /> arlate whereof William Hancocke<br /> was master the said 50 pipes pf oyles<br /> marked with the marke iin the margent<br /> of the bill of ladinge mentioned in this<br /> rendents answeares formerly given to the<br /> third article of the foresaid allegation<br /> and noe other marke as he beleeves,<br /> and that the said bill of ladinge was<br /> firmed by the said Hancocke aboput<br /> eight dayes after the ladeinge of the<br /> same as he beleeves and noe lesse annd<br /> given to this rendent or his partener./ Jos: Goddard [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]  +
HCA 13/124 f.102r Annotate +The 13th of June <u>1651</u> [CENTRE HEADING] Repeated before}<br /> doctor Clerk one of}<br /> the Judges et cetera} '''det 8th.''' The personall Answers of '''William'''<br /> '''Williams and henry Thernech'''<br /> made to the positions of an Alle<br /> gation given in against them on<br /> the parte and behalfe of Jeremy<br /> Warren doe followe/ To the first pretended position they<br /> and either of them answer and beleeve<br /> that the time arlate the arlate Warren<br /> was Master of the said shippe the ''Messina''<br /> ''Merchant'' and tooke upon him the care<br /> and charge of her And otherwise for<br /> theire parts they doe not beleeve the said<br /> position to bee true in any parte thereof. To the second pretended position they and<br /> either of them answer and beleeve that<br /> the said shippe the ''Messina merchant''<br /> and the arlate Warren were the time arlate<br /> at Lepora arlate and there these respondents<br /> beleeve there were laden onbord the said shipp<br /> and consigned to these respondents the<br /> respective goods wares and merchandizes<br /> respectively mentioned in the said schedule<br /> to bee conseigned to these respondents respectively and<br /> that the laders of the said goods did consent<br /> and agree as they beleeve that upon the<br /> said Warrens delivery of the said respec<br /> tive goods unto these respondents respec=<br /> tiely in good order and well conditioned<br /> that these respondents should pay into the<br /> said Warren the respective summes of<br /> money for the freight thereof mentio=<br /> ned in the schedule annexed to these<br /> respondents answers and noe more as they<br /> beleeve. And soe much and noe more these  +
HCA 13/124 f.102v Annotate +respondents doe beleeve the said Warren in part<br /> and did deserve in case hee had delivered<br /> the same well conditioned And soe much and<br /> noe more these respondents beleeve other<br /> persons doe usually pay for the like goods<br /> And otherwise for theire parts they nor<br /> either of them doe not beleeve the said pos<br /> ition to bee true in any parte thereof/ To the third pretended position they and either<br /> of them answer and beleeve that the said<br /> Jeremy Warren arrived here in this port<br /> of Londo with the shippe the ''Messina mer=''<br /> ''chant'' arlate and that after his Arrivall<br /> here these respondents beleeve the arlate<br /> Jeremy Warren did deliver unto these<br /> rendents theire respective goods and me=<br /> chandizes but very many of them much<br /> spoiled and damnified either by the fault<br /> or occasion of the said Warren and Com<br /> pany or by the insufficiency of the said shipp<br /> as they beleeve and these respondents beleeve that<br /> they these respondents did promise unto the said<br /> Warren that in case hee would make them<br /> good the dammadge of their said goods soe sus<br /> tained in his shipp that then they these<br /> respondents would respectively pay unto him<br /> theire respective freight soe due from<br /> them upon the delivery of their goods in<br /> good Condition and not otherwise<br /> as they beleeve And these resppondents further<br /> beleeve that the merchants who laded the<br /> said goods did signifie and declare unto<br /> these respondents what the freight did amount<br /> unto And further these respondents referre  +
HCA 13/124 f.103r Annotate +[ADD DATA] The schedule mentioned in the<br /> Answers aforesaid Laden onbord the said shipp}<br /> the ''Messina merchant'' and con}<br /> signed to William Williams}<br /> 4 bales of Spanish silke the freight}<br /> whereof did amount unto} 5. 8. 6. ffor nine Cases and baggs of}<br /> druggs consigned to the siad}<br /> Mr Williams the freight whereof}<br /> doeth amount to} 28. 0 = 0 for 800 Barrills of Reasons}<br /> consigned to the said William}<br /> Williams the freight whereof}<br /> did amount to} 75 - 0 - 0- for 350 Barrills of Reasons}<br /> consigned to Henry Thornehey}<br /> the freight whereof doeth}<br /> amount to} 40 . 0 = 0 = Wm Williams [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]<br /> Hen Thornhaghe [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]  +
HCA 13/124 f.107r Annotate +by the factors or Agents of the said Bar[?on]<br /> that they had noe more goods to putt<br /> onboard himbut that hee should or<br /> might departe with them hee did set saile<br /> therewith for this port of London and<br /> here safely arrived upon the 5th day of<br /> January 1650 and not before And other<br /> wise hee doeth not beleeve the said pretensed<br /> position to bee true in any parte./. To the 5th hee answereth and beleeveth that<br /> the say hee arrived with his said shipp and<br /> wines being the 5th of January as hee<br /> hath before expressed in his Answers to<br /> the first the same was the Lords day<br /> usually called Sunday which being a<br /> day of cessation from worldly buisines<br /> this respondent did the very next mor=<br /> ning being the 6th of January goe<br /> with his broker in the morneing of the<br /> same day to Mr Roger Kilvert to his<br /> house in Broadstreete and did there<br /> acquaint him with his arrivall with his<br /> said shippe and wines and other goods<br /> att this port of London and did alsoe<br /> tell him that whereas by the charterparty<br /> made for the said voyadge the said Alexan=<br /> der Baron was to full lade the said shipp<br /> or else to pay freight as if shee were<br /> full laden and that hee was come dead<br /> freighted and not fully laden according<br /> to contract and that hee should expect<br /> his whole freight and therefore desired<br /> the said Mr Kilvert if hee soe pleased to<br /> come onboard the said shipp the ''Hope''<br /> to veiw the empty roome thereof and<br /> the said Mr Kilvert did make answer<br /> that hee would come onboard and bring<br /> Two or three Trinity house men with<br /> him but that hee was unacquainted  +
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