Tools: Week Two Autumn

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Week Two goals

(1) To understand the Court process, legal document types, and the uses to which historians have put the Court records

(2) To start learning to read and transcribe Court depositions

(3) To discuss how best to practice reading and transcribing and to support each other

(4) To introduce the Silver Ships narrative and supporting materials

Introduction to the High Court of Admiralty

- Blakemore/Marsden/Steckley articles
- Legal process
- The archive/document types

Starting out with paleography & MarineLives editorial policy

- More on the edit box: page structure and the examination books
- Common transcription pitfalls: MINIMs, shorthand & expansions, capitalization, toponyms, punctuation, the gutter
- Tips

Team practice pages

- Team practice pages

Introduction to the Silver Ships narrative and supporting materials

Silver ships main wiki page

Evidence of the Spanish/Flandrian/Hamburg silver trade in the early 1650s

Silver Ship witnesses - by Geography


(1) Each participant in the autumn programme is to transcribe one page from the Silver Ship depositions

- Allocated pages:

  • Jo Pugh [[[HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.19r Annotate|13/69 Sil 1 f. 19r]]]
  • Jonathan Dent [[[HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.4r Annotate|13/69 Sil 1 f. 4r]]]
  • Maya Silverman [ADD PAGE]
  • Mia Ridge [[[HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.13r Annotate|13/69 Sil 1 f. 13r]]]
  • Oliver Tanner [[[HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.35r Annotate|13/69 Sil 1 f. 35r]]]
  • Ross Keel [[[HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.35v Annotate|13/69 Sil 1 f. 35v]]]
  • Samuel Watson [[[HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.36r Annotate|13/69 Sil 1 f. 36r]]]

(2) Each participant in the programme should familiarize themselves with the Silver Ship timeline and key characters, using the MarineLives wiki resources on the Silver Ships

Chose one particular character in the Silver Ships litigation (for axample, a merchant, a mariner, or a lawyer) and research them using the wiki resources, looking both at depositions in which the vhosen individual is mentioned and also wiki pages which synthesise material from the depositions and other sources

Come to the next group Skype call prepared to briefly present that character to other members of the group