Tools: 13/125: Index of Personal Answers

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13/124: Index of Personal Answers

Listed in page order

See: Folder: 111_PANA_PART_TWO

This volume is unfoliated. Artifical foliation will be added to the digital images by the MarineLives project. P-numbers in square brackets after the name of the individual making the personal answer will refer to the MarineLives project Image Number.


John Moore [P1110654]
- response to a libel by Jeronimo Crewe
- Ship the Jeremie, John Moore master (1646-1649)
- Voyage to Newfoundland and Mallaga and back to London; then service of the state as a man of war; then to Barcelona, to Marcelles, Barbary, back to Marcelles
- left her in possession of another master at Marcelles (with consent of owners)
- Gives his estimates for freight received for each voyage

Edward Bellamye and Thomas Day
- response to libel of John Harris and John Powicke
- Refers to charterparty between Bellamye and Day on one hand and Harris and Powicke on the other
- Ship to enter pay March 18th 1647
- Voyage from Barbados to Barbary with tobacco

William Thomas [P1110660]
- response to Thomas Pearse, John Maddox and others
- Refers to City of Bristol in 1643 under power of the Parlt, but surprised by King's forces and remained in King's possession till Sept 1645
- Ship the Charles taken as prize by King
- rendent bought 9/16th pts of ship
- Others of the owners lived in Bristol
- Signed only by Thomas, not Bellamye

William Thomas
- response to libel of Robert Wood

Pieter Schroder [This is his clear signature]. Written by Court notary as "Peter Scrother")
- response to allegation of Hance Dirrickson John Johnson and company [P1110663]
- May 1651 rendent hired all persons articulate in schedule
- Voyage from Haver de Grace to Cales (Cadiz), where arrived August 1651, thence to ffaro in Portugal in Sept 1651, took in lading of figs (half a lading), then for London, where arrived Nov 1651
- Wages were paid to crew Dec 1651 when voyage ended after unlading in London
- Is Paul Scother German? He seems to have a number of German crew?
- offered meat and drink for some of crew to look after ship after unladen, but did not offer wages in absence of any new voyage
- Clement Noots was offered wage only when ship should fall below the "boyes at Quinborow". Noot accepted and spent some time on the ship and some time off it, but took meat and victuals on board. Some of other men did scrape the ship on the outside, but refused to scrape her inside and they set the mast and did other work to keep the ship clean.
- Noots "dureing the time arlate did several tymes come on board the shipp arlate drunck in a very beastly and disorderly manner and did drawe his sworde aboard the shippe the Abrahams Sacrifice and attempted to wound and mischeife the men then in the same shipp therewith"
- Ship ran ashore at Shadwell and sterne broke dowe parte of a house there
- the said Claus Cruse sometymes lying and drinkeinge at the said William Reaques mothers house on shoare