HCA 13/69 Silver 0 IMG 118 07 2519 Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/69 Silver 0 f.7r.

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HCA 13/69 Silver 0 f.7r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first second and third articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
That hee this deponent well knoweth the arlate John Budeire and hath
soe done by the space of theise sixteene yeares or thereabouts dureing
all which tyme hee hath bin and still is a merchant of fflannders and a man
that hath driven and still doth drive a great trade from fflanders to
Mallaga and other parts of Spania where hee hath his factors and correspondents
resident accordingly which hee knoweth haveing as a marriner and a master of
ships used that trade for many yeares past. And for and as such a person
soe tradeing and the true and lawfull owner and proprietor of the plate arlate
hee the said John Budieire was and is comonly accompted and reputed.
And saith that within the tyme arlate there was at Cadiz by the
factor or Agents of the said producent laden abd put abord the said shippe
the Saint John Evangelist bound for dunquirke or Ostend one bagg conteyneing
six hundred and thirteene peeces of eight Sevill and Mexico silver marked


with the marke in the margent. to bee carryed and transported in the said ship from
Cadiz or dunquirke or Ostend and there to bee delivered to the said John
Budeire or his assignes which hee knoweth for that hee upon the bringing
of the said plate on bord did cause his Purser Antonio C[?o]ppens to receave the
same for which this deponent signed bills of ladeing to which bills for further satisfaction
herein hee referreth And further cannot depose.

To the fowrth, 5th, and 6th articles of the said Allegation and to the schedule or bills
of ladeing annexed and now shewed unto him hee saith and deposeth
That upon such the ladeing and putting of the said bag of peaces of eight on
bord the said shippe the Saint John Evangelist at Cadiz hee this deponent there
signed three bills of ladeing of one Tenor for the same, marked as aforesaid
one of which bills of ladeing was by this deponent brought in the said shippe
from Cadiz and was on bord her when shee was taken, the contents whereof
were true and were soe had and done as therein is conteyned. And saith that
after the premisses the said ship sett saile from Cadiz with the said peaces
of eight on bord her for Ostend or dunquirke and in her course thither ward
was mett with surprized and taken by some of the Ships of warre of the Common Wealth
and was brought in to this Port. att which tyme the said Plate was on bord her and
came to the hands of the said takers thereof And saith that the bill of
ladeing annexed and now showed unto him is one of the said three
originall bills of ladeing which this deponent soe signed upon the bringing and
ladeing the said peeces of eight on bord the said ship at Cadiz and which were
left with the lader thereof from whom as hee beleeveth the same
was sent from Spaine to fflannders and from thence to this Citty. And otherwise
saveing his foregoeing deposition hee saith hee cannot depose./

To the 7. 8. 9. and 10th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition And
otherwise cannot depose.

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that hee this Examinate came first on bord the
said shippe the Saint John Evangelist at Sardam about three or fowre yeares
since at which tyme hee was sent from Ostend to buy and bring her from thence
to fflanders for the accompt of the now Owners thereof. And further cannot depose
