HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.11v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.11v.

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HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.11v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 24. and 25:th hee knoweth nothing thereof more or otherwise than

To the 26. and 27.th hee saith and deposeth, That hee hath often heard amongst
Merchants, That it is forbidden in Spaine to transport from thence any money
bullion or plate, yet saith of his owne experience and constant
observation, it hath bin and is usuall for Merchants to receive their returnes
of silver thence without any losse of Propriety in the same And further hee
cannot depose, not being acquainted with the Lawes of Spaine.

To the 28: hee saith hee well knoweth the interrate Jaques de Brower one of
the Magistrates of duinquirke and Correspondent to the said producent, and
saith for the reasons predeposed, and by the particular acknowledgement of the said de
Brower hee well knoweth tht hee hath no title or interest in the said 600. peeces
of eight. And otherwise cannot depose:-/

Sam Delaplace [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]

Anthonio Lois [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated with his precontest before Doctor Clarke
and doctor Godolphin


The 17. of October .1653:- [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of John Smeesters of Antwerpe for his
monies and goods in the Morning Starr, (Michael Van}
Lubkin Master) Smith. Budd}

Examined upon an Allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Claymer:/


John Vervoort of Antwerp in
Brabant Cashier and Booke. keeper to the said
John Smeesters aged 25. yeares or thereabouts
a Wittnesse sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet.

To the first and second articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth That
the arlate John Smeesters the producent for theise 7. yeares of this deponents
Certaine knowledge, and for many yeares before by Credible relation hath bin
and at present is a Merchant inhabitant in Antwerpe with his family, and
was and is generally accompted a Native of Antwerpe and a Subject of the
king of Spaine, and hath driven and doeth drive a very great trade to Cadiz
and Saint Lucar in Spayne for moneyes plate and other Commodities, and to that
purpose had and hath his ffactors and Correspondents residing there, to whomhe
hath sent within the time predeposed severall goods wares and Merchandizes
the returnes whereof have constantly been made unto him by this said ffactors in
moneys plate and other goods And for a Merchant of such traffique trade
and Correspondency the said producent was and is commonly reputed And
this deponent further saith, That in the moneths of december January ffebruary
and March last past 1652 some or one of them the said producent was and at
this present is and ought to bee the true and lawfull Owner and Proprietor of
foure hundred seaventie and five pieces of eight contained in one bagg marked
in the margent and with the number .1. and of two barrills of sweete Lemmons and two barrills of
Olives of the same marke, And for such was and is comonly accompted and
reputed, The premisses this deponent knoweth being Cashier and booke keeper [?to ?the]
said producent, And otherwise saving the reasons hereafter expressed he