HCA 13/71 f.443r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.443r.

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HCA 13/71 f.443r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 22th of december 1656/

Thomas Lawe Wm Cooper and company Owners}
of the Providence of Boston against a certaine shipp called}
the Samuell London whereof William Lee is Master}
and against the sayd Lee in particular and all others in generall}
[XX] Smith}

Examined upon a libell on behalfe of the
sayd Thomas Lawe and william Cooper and

dt. Smith


William Otter of Boston in the County of Lincolne
Mariner late Master of the shipp the Providence aged 32
years or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth. videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith that hee this deponent in the
moneths of July August and September of 1656 was master of the arlate
shipp the Providence of Boston untill such tyme as shee was sunck in
the Sea in manner as hereafter is expressed and was soe made Master of
her by the arlate Thomas Lawe and william Cooper and company who during
the moneths and tyme aforesayd were the lawfull Owners and Proprietors
of the sayd shipp the Providence and her tackle Apparrell and furniture And
alsoe of her ladeing of Coales aboard her at the tyme when shee was soe
suncke as hereafter is declared and soe commonly reputed the premisses hee deposeth of his owne certaine
knowledge And further to this article cannot depose./

To the second article of the sayd libell hee saith that in the yeares and moneths
arlate the arlate William Lee was Master and Part Owner of the arlate
shipp the Samuell, as hee verily beleeveth for the reasons ensuing videlicet for
that after the shipp Providence and her ladeing of Coales were suncke
in marnner hereafter declared did goe to Scarborough after the sayd William
to demand of him satisfaction for the shipp Providence and her ladeing lost
and suncke in the Sea by reason of the Samuells running fowle of her, and
the sayd Lee did there in presense of one George Moore and one William
hodgson Inhabitants of Scarborough confesse and acknowledge to this
deponent that hee the sayd Lee was Master of the sayd shipp Samuell when
the sayd disaster happened and Owner of her and her tackle apparrell and
furniture all save one eight part thereof And further to this article hee
cannot depose./

To the 3: 4th and 5th and 6th article of the sayd libell hee saith that in the yeare
and moneths arlate the Providence of Boston having aboard her a
ladeing of Coales wherewith shee was sayling towards Boston the port
of her discharge, and being upon the high and open Sea neere Scarborough
in her course for Boston, the arlate William Lee came sayling with
his shipp the Samuell aforesayd and drew neere the shipp Providence,
which this deponent and Company perceaving and fearing the Samuell
might fall fowle of the Providence this deponent and others of the
Company of the Providence made signes to the sayd Lee and Company
of the Samuell to beare up, and the sayd Lee and company did very well
understand the signes soe made unto them as plainely appeared for that they
thereupon lett goe their mayne sheete and made signes to this deponent and