HCA 13/71 f.96r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.96r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


should have it. And further to theise articles hee cannot depose for
that hee did not goe in Companie with the said french Captaines
aboard the said English men of warr:/

To the 9th hee saith, that the said shipp the Golden Eagle was and is a
Vessell of about 100. tunnes having aboard her at the time aforesaid
12. gunns, and ninety foure men, and the said shipp the Royall
Marie was and is a Vessell of about one hundred men, and saith that
either of the said Vessell or shipps of warr was able enough alone and
by her owne proper strength then aboard her to have possessed her selfe
by force of The said shipp fortune; if they had not bin hindered by
the said English frigatt, And saith, the said shipp Golden Eagle
had her Commission from the king of ffrance aboard her the
time shee chased the said shipp fortune, which this deponent often saw
and observed, and beleeveth the said shipp Royall had also her
Commission then aboard her. And further cannot depose:-

To the 10th hee saith, That hee verily beleeveth, that according to the
Course the said shipp fortune shaped when first espyed by the
said frenchmen of warr, shee was directly bound for dunquirke or some
other Port in fflanders in obedence to the king of Spain, and beleeveth
the wynes and goods aboard her did belong to fflandrians subjects of the
said king. And otherwise saving his foregoing deposition hee saith hee
cannot depose:-

To the last hee saith, his foregoeing deposition is true./

Rowe dt.

To the Crosse interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith, hee never know the shipp fortune interrate
shee was chased by the said frenchmen of warr.

To the second hee saith was not in ffrance at the lading of the goods
interrate, nor knoweth the interrate Mr Ba[?st]erode, Mr Coppen
nor Cover[?t] Lamerts, nor what Countriemen, or whose subjects they are

To the third hee saith , that the lading of the said shipp fortune consisted
in wynes of Nantes, and were bound for dunquirke or some other that
the king of Spaines ports in fflanders for the accompt of fflandrians, as this
rendent verily beleeveth), but for whole particular accompt hee saith had
knoweth not, And further cannot depose, having never bin aboard the
said shipp fortune, and knowing of a nothing of any papers or writings
found aboard her at her said late seizure./

To the 4th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof./

To the 5th hee saith, that the said shipp fortune and ladeing were seized
by the said English friggat betwixt the downes and dover, about a
league and a half from Dover and not under the command of any
English fort or Castle but that 5. or 6 English shipps of the fleete of this
Commonwealth at Anchor in the Downes, when the said shipp
fortune was so seized as aforesayd, about 2. leagues distance from the said seizure

To the 6th hee saith, the said frenchmen of warr never left chasing the
said shipp fortune till such time, as shee was seized by the said English
frigatt, and that they pursed her till about a league and a half from
Dover but not within the command of any English fort or Castle,
nor of any shipp of the fleete of this Commonwealth then lyeing in the Downes
for the defence thereof./

the marke of
Eustace [MARKE] Bennard [MARKE, RH SIDE]