HCA 13/72 f.127v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/72 f.127v.

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HCA 13/72 f.127v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the same, and saith they were hired to serve by the moneth; and not
otherwise, and otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the third hee saith the said shipp went from the Texell directly to
the island of Tobago, one of the charabbes, thence to the wild coast
and there delivered severall good goods upon truck for tobaccoes thence
to Santa Cruse and there delivered more, and tooke in goods there
but received noe freight at any place.

To the fourth hee caried one peece of serge and two peeces
of other stuff from Amsterdam, and alsoe two other peeces of another
sort of stuff, and bultinis all amounting in full[XX]d to 150 gilders, and were all
for his owne account, And the master carried wine, brandewine, stuffs,
lianens and other goods. And otherwise hee cannot answer.

To the 5th negatively, saving that the master hath here lately furnished
them with money towards discharge of their diet and lodging and
necessaries, to keep them from perishing as much as amounted to tenn moneths and a halfe of
each mans pay, and when they first set saile from Amsterdam hee have them a moneths pay and otherwise negatively,

To the 6th hee saith that all the mariners and company that went
out in the shipp, are still living and are here

To the 7th hee saith that at the time of the said seizure, there were
(besides the said shipps company) two mariners aboard her, dutch men
that the master gave passage to from the Canaries, who hee saith
were to have their victualls for their worke, and assoone as the
shipp was brought into England, they went their wayes for Holland
in a dutch man of warr; that was the Convoy from Gravesend,
and saith the Morning starr was taken by the frigat of
this Commonwealth on the last of Aprill last, new stile as hee
remembreth the time/



The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.


ffrederick Claeson of Amsterdam mariner, boatswaine
of the said shipp the Morning starr aged 30 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the said Allegation and schedule annexed hee saith and deposeth that for all the time
allegate namely from the 17th of May 1656: untill the 17th of September
1656 [CHECK THIS IS NOT 1657] and Longer, Claus Williamss was, and still is Master of the
arlate ship the Morning Starr; And for such Comonly acco[mpted GUTTER]
And that hee hyred this deponent and the rest of the Mariners
schedulated (being nowe read over unto him) to serve as
Mariners in the said Ship, for the voyage allegate, at the
rates and wayges respectively mentioned and sett downe in
the said schedule, And that this deponent and the rest of the s[aid GUTTER]
Mariners, in the same on the 17th of May 1656. at which time the
said ship departed from the Texell on the said voyage, and
continued in the said Service and were payable to and unto