HCA 13/73 f.567v Annotate

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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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HCA 13/73 f.567v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


did treate with one Habakuck Wilds about selling the said {?ship GUTTER]
to him the said Wilds, at which treaty this deponent was
present, and the said Perry and Wild did at length
agree that hee the said Wilds should pay two hundred
and twenty pounds for the said ship, one hundred of
which was agreed to be paid within tenne dayes after the said agreement and the
rest before the ship should depart out of the river of
Thames, and the said Wilds did then in this deponents
presence give the said Perry twenty shillings in
confirmation of the said Bargaine, and this deponent hath [?heard GUTTER]
that more money hath bin paid to the said Perry
in part of payment. And saith that hee doth not beleeve
that the said Perry or Noell bought
the said ship but that shee was taken by vertue of
a Swedish Commission. Et alr nescit respondere [?salvis]

Per Samuell Pauls [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


29o. Augusti 1660: [CENTRE HEADING]

Ex parte [?DiX] Jonathan Keate militis}
et [?soriorX] quoad the Angell}
(cujus erat Praefectus William Rand)}

Rp. j.

Daniel Elwood parochia de Stepney
in Comitau Middlesex Mercator, aetatis
25 annorum aut eo circiter, juratus et
Examinatus dicit et deponit put sequitur.

Ad jum et 2dum arlos Allegacoonis in hac causa data ex [?parte GUTTER]
[?Doni] Jonathan Keate militis et [?Xoc] dicit et deponit That
after the arlate ship the Angell (William Rand Comander)
was taken and seized by a Squadron of the [?Venetian GUTTER]
ffleete as is declared in this deponents former deposition
Antonio Peruglia the Governour of the said Squadron
that seized the said ship did take, and cause and [?XXX GUTTER]
to be taken out of her, the greatest part of her Lading
consisting in packs and bales of silke, Cotton yarne[?s GUTTER]
and many other merchandizes, and having now [?seen GUTTER]
and perused the schedule annexed to the said Allegation
hee saith that the said schedule was and is written
with the hand of a Venetian Gentleman who was [?by GUTTER]
the said Antonio Peruglia put on board the said Angell
after her said seizure, to looke to the said ship and [?XXX GUTTER]
which schedule this deponent tooke from the said Venetian
Gentleman, And saith tha hee verily beleeveth that
all and singular the goods Merchandizes and things [?XX GUTTER]