MRP: William Spurstowe will

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PROB 11/195/154 Will of William Spurstowe of Saint Stephen Coleman Street, City of London 04 February 1646

PROB 11/195 Twisse 1-52 Will of William Spurstowe of Saint Stephen Coleman Street, City of London 04 February 1646

Editorial history

01/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

William Spurstowe was XXXX. In his will he described himself as "citizen and mercer of London."

Writing his will in 1644, William Spurstowe frames his last will and testament with a heart felt and lengthy prayer or prayers to Allmighty God.

Amongst his bequests, he gave one hundred pounds to Katharine Hall, Cambridge.

Suggested links

See Henry Spurstow will (brother of William Spurstowe)

To do

(1) Complete this trasncription


This transcription has not yet been completed

IN THE NAME OF THE EVERLASTINGE GODF AMEN ffor as much as there is nothing in this world more sure and certaine than death the whole XXXX of this life beinge nothing but a passage unto it and nothinge more desired than life w:ch nature itself seekes, and endeavours to preserve in all sortes both of reasonable and unreasonable Creatures & how much more than is that life which shall never have end to be desired and ?sought for. But I am a miserable wretched creature by nature the child of wrazj concerned and borne in Sinne full of blindnes and ignorance, and hardnes of hearte not able to thinke one good thought, much lesse to labour and seeke for that eternall life unto thee threfore a Heavenlie ffather, who art aboundantly able to blesse above all that XXXXX or thinke doe I miserable wretch desire to lift up my poore soule for for thou alone knowest my wants, and canst supplie them beseechinge thee for Jesus Christ his sake to pardon and forgive those greate and ?cryeinge sins hath both of my nature and of my life, whereby I have dishonored thy Maiestie, grieved thy blessed spiritt and wounded my owne soule is XXXXXXX XX XXXX in mee that repentance never to bee repented of and give mee grace to account noe sinne small but to hate and detest the XXXX least ?motion of XXXX in my selfe and others And I beseech thee to make in mee a true and a livelie faith to laye ?hands on those ?sweete and gratious Promises, which then hath made unto mee in the Lord Jesus Christ for the free pardon and remission of all my synnes , and send thy blessd spiritt into my heart soe to direct mee in the whole XXXXX of my life, that I maie walke before thee with care, and conscience to honour thee that thy words more bee my XXXX, and thy alone my XXXX / end in all my Actions, that while I live here I maie live the life of gracem and dye unto ??sinne, that after death I maie live with thee, and bee partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in light And I beseech thee for the Lord Jesus Christ his sake soe to prepare mee to my last conflict & strengthn mee against Satans malice and ?assaultes, that in despeight of him through thy mercie in Christ, I may still hould fast by thee; and ??relative though then kill mee; yet to trust in thee who hast promissed never to forsake mee, but to helpe and succour mee in time of neede, then shew thy slefe to bee ??mine in that ?time of triall and bee exalted in thy wisdome power and goodness for my defence for Jesus Christ his sake & make good this gracious promise, for I disclaime all hope of helpe by my selfe, or anie other creature in Heaven or earth; and cast all my sinnes upp att Jesus Christ, who by the sheddinge of his most precious blood hath purged all my Sinnes, and the sinnes of all the elect And forasmuch as I cannott expect the forgiveness of my sinnes, Unles I doe freelie forgive those that have offended mee I doe hereby professe, that from my heart I freelie forgive all those; and I beseech thee Heavenlie Father to incline their hearts to forgive mee also that have bene offended by mee, or have taken offence when I intended none towards them: Amen

AND WHEREAS gracious ffather; thou hast out of thine infinite goodness mercie and bountie I ?trust bestowed upon mee a most liberall and bountifull portion of theis


temporall blessinges more than XXX I expected in the disposeinge: whereof I beseech thee to directe mee , and lett thy blessinge remaine upon itt to my posteritie, and to those that shalbe partakers of itt soe farr as itt maie stand with thy glorie, and their eternall comforte and that for Jesus Christ his sake Amen

In obedience to thy owne ordinance blessed ffather Lord of heaven and earth I William Spurstowe Citizen and Mercer of London beinge of perfecte health of bodie minde & memorye for which as for other infinite mercies I desire to render all humble and heartie thankes to allmightie god doe make this my last will and testament as followeth

FFIRST and before all thinges I committ and commend my soule into the hands of allmightie God my Creator as the morst faithfull keeper tristinge most assuredlie to bee saved by the death passion and onelie merritts of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and redeemer, and by his merritt and obedience to inheritt that everlastinge kingdome prepared as before the doundations of the world were laid for all those that by a true and livelie faith lay hands on him which I beseech thee deare ffather to grannt unto mee for Jesus Christ his sake Amen

ITEM I will that my Bodie bee decentlie interrred in the Parish Church of S:t Stevens, where I now dwell as neere as convenientlie maie bee to the Corps of my deare, and worthie beloved wife which I intreate my Executors, and overseers hereafter named to order and appointe And I desire & charge my Executors and Overseers that my bodie bee carried to the Church by three of the ?clarks att the furthest, and not to stay longer for any companie whatsoever and to avoyd the protractinge of time and the ??disorders, which I have observed at such meetings that they bee sparinge in all things not necessarie

ITEM I will that all such debts as I shall owe, if it soe happen that I bee indebted to bee paid according to equitie, and conscience

And whereas I was one of the Executor:rs of my Brother Richard Wynn deceased, soe much of the estate as came to my hands will appeare by the Account XX what shalbe remayninge my Cozen Katharines porcion beinge deducted & paid my XXXX is that it doth of right belonge to the children of my Cousin Thomas Wyn deceased, and I desire my Executors to dispose of it accoringlie; if I doe not in my life

And whereas I was executor to my Brother Edward Spurstowe deceased necessitie ?urginge mee thereunto for the good of the estate, and of his wife and children, although to my greate trouble I desire to render thankes to Allmightie god who hath inabled me with life and health to gather in soe much of the estate ?concerned sperate and to perfecte the Account; and to satisfie the widdowe her sonne her daughter Ellinor and Anne the porcons due to them Katherine and Marie beinge under age their porconns I paid into the Chamber of London all which hath bene affected by the Assistance of William ??ffether by whose meanes the debts have bene recovered, and without his helpe the estate had suffered much

ITEM I give and bequeath the some of one hundred poundes to Katherine Hall in Cambridge to bee disposed of for the benefitt of poore schollars

ITEM I give and bequeath the some of one hundred poundes to purchase a yeerelie Rent for the ise of the poore of S:t Chads parish in SHREWSBURIE, which I desire may bee distributed to poore househoulders of the said parish, that bee of good life one consecration in good wheaten bread, upon everie Lords daie in the morninge after the Sermon is ended a two pennyloafe to one man or one woman as farr as it will extend att the discretion of the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poore for the time beinge And I desire the parishioners to take care for the buyeing eof the land and for the money I doubt not but my executors will take care



Possible primary sources


PROB 11/195 Twisse 1-52 Will of William Spurstowe of Saint Stephen Coleman Street, City of London 04 February 1646
PROB 11/321 Mico 92-138 Will of William Spurstowe, Gentleman of Saint Augustine, City of London 30 August 1666