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belonging unto them and to clap the said Captaine in prison, and
belonging unto them and to clap the said Captaine in prison, and
not to permit or suffer them to trade there or to that effect, Et
not to permit or suffer them to trade there or to that effect, Et
alr nescit deponere, salvis subscript{?s]
alr nescit deponere, salvis subscript[?s]
Ad 15 arlum deponit et dicit that {upon} the said don Lewis return
hee warned the said Captaine Jacket of the said conspiracie
and designe of the said Governours, admonished and perswaded
him to get his Negro's on board againe, and not to suffer any
goods to be there landed, and to have a care to keepe out of
commannd and to hasten away to some of the places aforesaid
where hee might trade with more securitie and to better advantage
and not longer to trust himselfe or shipp and goods in the Baye
of Barcelona or to that effect, which the said Jacket omitted
and plainly refused to doe, but on the contrary caused goods there
to be landed, his Negro's being there ashore, Et alr nescit
Ad 16um deponit that after and notwithstanding the premisses the
said Captaine Jacket went againe ashore to the Governour of
Barcelona to obtaine leave to trade there, but the said Governour
told him (as the said Captaine said when hee came againe aboard)
that hee could not permit him there to trade without license from
the Vice Roy of Sant[?o] domingo, and advised him to send his
said Pinke thither to obtaine the said License, whereupon the said
Jacket contrary to the Commission and orders aforesaid of the said
Mr Vassall, Captaine Crandley and company sent the said Pinck
the ''Saint Peter'' under the command of a Spanish Captaine, and
to the number of 16 or 17 other Spaniards, and not above six or seaven
English to saile to Santo domingo and there to procure
license from the Vice Roy to trade at Barcelona, and withall
hee put on board her 31 Negro's which came from Ginny, and diverse packs
of goods belonging to the said Imployers to a greate valewe, and
sent them alonge in the said shipp the ''Saint Peter'' thither, Reddens
rationem scientia sua ut supra, Et alr nescit deponere.
Ad 17 et 18 arles deponit that about two monethes after the departure
of the said Pinke for Santo domingo there came a letter aboard the
said shipp the ''Mayflower'' (still remayning in the Baye of Barcelona)
from the arlate Michael de [?Verwese] from Barcelona [?XX GUTTER]
written and
[[File:IMG_6193.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/63 f.224r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
[[File:IMG_6193.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/63 f.224r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]

Revision as of 17:33, March 11, 2015

HCA 13/63

Created page, 11/03/2015 by CSG

HCA 13/63 ff.222r-225r: Deposition of George Dethick

All images in MarineLives folder 113_02

HCA 13/63 f.222r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window

HCA 13/63 f.222r

30th May 1650. [CENTRE HEADING]

Vassall et alij con Jacket.}

Super lilo in [?hac] causa date examinattus.

Rp. jus.

Georgius Dethick de Poplar in comitatu Middlesex gentleman aetatis 24 annorum
aut [?eo] circiter testis productus et juratus.

Ad primum arlum dicti lili deponit et dicit that hee hath well knowne the shipps
the Mayflower, the Peter and the Benjamin arlate for and during all the time
arlate, of which shipps or vessells the producents Samuel Vassall, Richard
Crandley and company were the said time the true and lawfull owners and
proprietors and of their tackle apparrell and furniture and soe commonly
accompted and reputed, reddens [?XXXXem] scientia sua ut infra. Et alr nescit.

Ad secundum tertium et wuartum arlos dicti lili deponit that within the time aforesaid
the said Samuel Vassall, Richard Crandley and company did fitt and
furnish out the said shipps and vessells the Mayflower, the Peter and
the Benjamin on a trading voyage from this port of London for Ginny
and thence to certaine places and parts in the West Indies and soe
to retourne back againe to this port of London, and did lade and
put on board them for their uses and accompts a cargazon of goods
and merchandizes of severall sorts and qualities of the valewe of
5000 li sterling - (as hee hath heard the same estimated) to be trucked
bartered and traded away upon the said voyage, and constituted and
sent out the arlate William Jacket Captaine and cheife commannder
of all the said vessells, and cheife factor or agent for the trucking away
and disposing of the said cargazon the said voyage for the best
benefitt and advantage of them the said Vassall Crandley and
company, and the said Jacket had and tooke upon him the charge and
governement of the said three shipps or vessells and the disposing
and trucking away of the said goods and merchandizes to the use aforesaid,
All which hee knoweth going out in the said shipp the Mayflower on
the said voyage one of the masters mates, and being one of the company
during the voyage untill the said shipp was seized as hereafter followeth.
alr nescit.

Ad quintum arlum deponit et dicit that within the time aforesaid and
before the said Captaine Jackets proceeding with the said vessells and goods
on the said voyage, they the said Captaine Cranley, Mr Vassall and
company ordered and gave directions unto him that when hee should
come to trade and traffique (the said voyage) in any of the kinges of
Spaines dominions or Territories in the West Indies, hee should
not bringe or suffer any of the said three shipps to be brought within
the Commannd of any fort, castle or garrison, and that hee
should not goe on shore himselfe nor trust any considerable quantitie
of goods, wares or merchandizes or Negro's out of his shipps on shore
amongest the Spaniards, unlesse hee had sufficiencie of retournes
first on board his shipps in lieu thereof, signifying withall unto him
in the said orders, that unlesse hee had and tooke especiall regard and care
both to himselfe and shipps the Spaniards would betray him, and therefore

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HCA 13/63 f.222v

willing and requiring him to be very circumspect and carefull therein
or to that effect, which hee knoweth having both heard the said Jacket
acknowledge soe much, and seene the said ordrs and Instructions in
writing aboard the shipp the Mayflower the said voyage in the said
Captaine Jackets custody. Et alr nescit.

Ad sextum arlum deponit that within the time aforesaid and after the
lading and putting the said cargazon of goods on board the said shipps
the Mayflower, the Peter and the Benjamin, the said Captaine Jacket
sett saile and departed in the said shipp the Mayflower;; in company
of the Peter;; and the Benjamin, and had the cheife commannd
thereof as aforesaid, and for commannder in cheife and principall
factor as aforesaid hee was commonly accompted and reputed, which
proceeding or departure hence of the said Jacket with the said
vessells was on or about the 16th day of June 1647, reddens
rationem scientia sua ut supra. Et alr nescit.

Ad septimum arlum deponit et dicit that within the time aforesaid and
after the departure hence of the said Jacket with the said shipps and goods
hee sailed for Ginney and there safely arived with the said shipps
and goods, and there hee and such others as were imployed with and
under him and by his order and directions solde bartered and trucked
away diverse of the said goods wares and merchandizes for Negro's
Ellephants teeth and gold and some provisions for the said Negro's,
which hee knoweth because hee this deponent arived therewith him
and sawe the said marchandizes and goods soe delivered and bartered away, and helping to keepe the bookes and accompts thereof, Et
alr nescit.

Ad octavum arlum deponit that within the time aforesaid and while the
said vessells were and [?abade] the said voyage at Ginny, the said William
Jacket procured and gained the number of 450 Negro's and upwards
and asmuch gold and Ellephants teeth as would here have yeelded and
produced 3000 li sterling or thereabouts, all which were soe hained and
gotten with the goods and commodities aforesaid soe laden aboard, and
belonging unto and sent out in the said shipps and vessells by the said
Captaine Cranley, Mr Vassall and company, reddens rationem scientia sua ut supra, alr nescit.

Ad 9um arlum depont that after the premisses the said Captaine Jacket
laded and put the said Negro's, Elephants teeth and gold soe gotten and gained
on board the said shipp the Mayflower and the Pinke the Peter and departed therewith for the Barbadas
leaving the said vessell the Benjamin to trade in Ginny, and [?XXX GUTTER]
his departure hee ordered the company of the Benjamin that when they
had there donne trading, they should retourne wuth her and with what
they could produce and get by such trading to the Barnadas to [?XXX GUTTER]
Mr Spensack and deliver them up unto his disposeing, telling them hee [?did GUTTER
order him to receive and dispatch thereof accordingly, which hee did upon
his arrivall there with the said shipp and Pinck the Mayflower and the
Peter, which there safely arived about the beginning of March [?XXX GUTTER
[?XXXX] et cetera reddens rationem, because hee this deponent arived there with him and
hee this deponent being then Purser of the said shipp Mayflower. Et alr [?nescit GUTTER]

HCA 13/63 f.223r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window

HCA 13/63 f.223r

Ad decimum arlum deponit that after the said Jackets said arivall at the
Barbada's hee acquainted the said Mr Spensack with the orders which hee
had given to the Beniamins company as aforesaid, and before his arivall
there hee wrote to him from Cape Lopus to the same effect, this deponent
by his order copying the said letter, Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad undecimum deponit that after the premisses and while the said shipp
the Mayflower was at nova Barcelona there came intelligence by Captaine Phillips
(who there arived from the Barbadas) that the said vessell the Beniamin
was safely come and arived at the Barbadas, and with her lading
brought from Ginny was delivered to the disposall of the said
Mr Spensack, and that hee tooke upon him the ordering and disposing
of the same. El alr nescit deponere.

Ad 12um deponit that after about twelve dayes staye at the Barbada's
(after the arival there of the said Jacket as aforesaid) hee departed
with the shipp the Mayflower and the said pinck and goods and Negro's
aforesaid taken in and brought from Ginny aforesaid and came
and arived therewith about the 26th of March 1648 at a certaine
place in the West Indies called Cuminagata, which is under the
dominion of the kinge of Spaine, and there the said Captaine
Jacket accompanied with one don Louis de Chaves a Portugall
Jewe went ashore to seeke for trade, and retourning the same night
aboard, the said don Lewis went the next day ashore againe, and
after hee had bin at the towne of nova Barcelona (about twelve
English miles up in the land) hee retourned the same night aboard
and in this deponents presence and hearing told the said Captaine
Jacket that the said towne and countrey were inhabited by poore and
rude people, and that hee held it not to be a place for them
to trade in for bartering or vending their Negro's and commodities,
and therefore desired him to beate it up to windeward for Cumana,
or Margareta, or els to goe to Lee ward for Caraccas or Cartagena,
which hee said were places of good trade and vend for his goods and
Negro's and where hee the said don Louis had friends who would
be assistant and faithfull unto him therein, or to the same effect.
Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 13um arlum deponit that after and notwithstanding the premisses the
said Jacket contrary to his orders and commission aforesaid from the said
Merchants (his imployers) and against all reason and discretion and
the advice and exhortation of the said Jewe (who was much concerned
with the welfare of the said vessells and good successe of the voyage
having an hundred Negro's and other commodities aboard) and
notwithstanding that hee had not any license to trade there, landed
at [?Commanagosa] to the number of 300 Negro's and upwards out of the said two vessells
that were for the said imployers accompt besides the said don Lewis
his hundred Negro's, and caused and ordered them to goe up by land
to the Baye of Barcelona to meete the said two vessells there, and
sent a guard of Spaniards to goe alonge with and carry them thither
reddens rationem scientia sua ut supra, Et alr nescit.

HCA 13/63 f.223v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window

HCA 13/63 f.223v

Ad 14um arlum deponit that after the premisses and arivall of the said shipps
and lading in the Baye of Barcelona, the said Captaine Jacket not having
obtained any leave to goe and traffique there ashore, and contrary to the
order and Commission of his imployers (the producents) went againe
on shore, and after hee had gonne severall times ashore and retourned
the said don Louis in this deponents presence and hearing told and [?advertized]
him on board the said shipp the Mayflower that hee the said don
Louis having bin that day ashore in the towne of Barcelona had
understood and was certainly informed that the Governour of
Commana had sent to and advised the Governour of Barcelona
to seize and make sure of the said shipps or vessells the
Mayflower and the Peter and lading and Negro's in and
belonging unto them and to clap the said Captaine in prison, and
not to permit or suffer them to trade there or to that effect, Et
alr nescit deponere, salvis subscript[?s]

Ad 15 arlum deponit et dicit that {upon} the said don Lewis return
hee warned the said Captaine Jacket of the said conspiracie
and designe of the said Governours, admonished and perswaded
him to get his Negro's on board againe, and not to suffer any
goods to be there landed, and to have a care to keepe out of
commannd and to hasten away to some of the places aforesaid
where hee might trade with more securitie and to better advantage
and not longer to trust himselfe or shipp and goods in the Baye
of Barcelona or to that effect, which the said Jacket omitted
and plainly refused to doe, but on the contrary caused goods there
to be landed, his Negro's being there ashore, Et alr nescit

Ad 16um deponit that after and notwithstanding the premisses the
said Captaine Jacket went againe ashore to the Governour of
Barcelona to obtaine leave to trade there, but the said Governour
told him (as the said Captaine said when hee came againe aboard)
that hee could not permit him there to trade without license from
the Vice Roy of Sant[?o] domingo, and advised him to send his
said Pinke thither to obtaine the said License, whereupon the said
Jacket contrary to the Commission and orders aforesaid of the said
Mr Vassall, Captaine Crandley and company sent the said Pinck
the Saint Peter under the command of a Spanish Captaine, and
to the number of 16 or 17 other Spaniards, and not above six or seaven
English to saile to Santo domingo and there to procure
license from the Vice Roy to trade at Barcelona, and withall
hee put on board her 31 Negro's which came from Ginny, and diverse packs
of goods belonging to the said Imployers to a greate valewe, and
sent them alonge in the said shipp the Saint Peter thither, Reddens
rationem scientia sua ut supra, Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 17 et 18 arles deponit that about two monethes after the departure
of the said Pinke for Santo domingo there came a letter aboard the
said shipp the Mayflower (still remayning in the Baye of Barcelona)
from the arlate Michael de [?Verwese] from Barcelona [?XX GUTTER]
written and

HCA 13/63 f.224r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window

HCA 13/63 f.224r


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HCA 13/63 f.224v


HCA 13/63 f.225r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window

HCA 13/63 f.225r