HCA 13/127 f.1r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/127 |
Folio | 1 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 11/12/2017 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_115_05_9186.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2017/12/11 |
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Marine Lives Tools

23 January 1654
Repeated before
Doctor Clerk one
of the Judges the
same day
det Mr Beake
The personall Answeres of Arnold
and Elias Beake of this Citty of London
merchants made to the Articles of an
Allegation given in this Court in the Name
of his Highnes Oliver Lord Protector
against a certaine Ship named the Saint John
Baptist of which John Claeson was master
and the goods and merchandizes
seized in the same by the Black Raven
of which Robert Sedgwick was Comander
as followeth
1. To the ffirst they and each of them answereth and believeth
that the said ship the Saint John Baptist was and is a dutch
built ship and built in some parte of Holland orZealand
and was in the late differences betweene this Comonwealth
and the States Generall of the United Netherlands seized
and taken as a Lawfull Prize,
and was soone after sould by the Commissioners
of Prize goods or their deputies and they the said Arnold
and Elias Beake and John Johns of [?XXX]
and Michaell [#]
de Haze [?XXXX]
Greene of Dover
merchants all subiects
of this Commonwealth and Citty of London
did really buy and pay for the same, and the said Ship tackle,
and furniture hath ever since and now doth truely belonge
to them, and noe Enemy of this Commonwealth now hath or
since the said buying thereof had any share or interest therein
And otherwise they nor either of them doth believe the said Article to
be true in any parte.
2. 3. To the Second and Third they and each of them answereth that
they nor either of them being presente to heare what the said master or
Company did say cannot sett forth uupon their oathes what they
might say either upon their haveing or examineinge before the
pretended Councell of warre alleadged, but they doe well knowe
the trueth to be that the said vessell was to come into the downes
and there to stay for the order of them the said Arnold and Elias
Beake and Companie the owners aforesaid, but they doe believe there
were noe papers to shewe the same, least any ships belonging
to the States of Holland (who were then in hostility with this
Commonwealth) should have mett with and seized
the said ship and goods and y such papers made prize
of them, And otherwise they nor either of them doth
believe the said Articles or either of them to be true in any parte