HCA 13/63 f.225v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 225 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 21/04/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_113_02_6196.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/04/21 |
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Marine Lives Tools

7th Janij 1650 [CENTRE HEADING]
Q: de Mares et al pred pro}
bonis in the Ginny frigot}
Super allegaco[?XX] [?prXXXX] [?XXX] [?XXX]
Smith} dt.
Timothy Crusoe civitatis London Mercator, aetatis
57 annorum aut de circiter testis productis et juratus.
Ad primum et secundum arlos dicte allegaconis et ad schedulam annex deponit
that hee well knoweth the arlate John de Marez and James [?ThXXX GUTTER]
and saith that they and company have bin
the time arlate and are and ought to be the true and lawfull proprietors
of all and singular the goods wares and merchandizes mentioned in the
said schedule; and soe commonly accompted, which said goods
and merchandizes were by their factors in Italy within the said time
laded and put on board the shipp the [?Crowned red Lyon]] ([?TXXXX]
Cornelison master) to be brought to Amsterdam and there delivered
for their accompt and to their use, which hee knoweth having seene
credible letters of advice and perused papers and writings
mentioning the said lading and particularities of the said goods with
their markes and numbers, and
whether bound. alr nescit [?salvis] [?XXX XXXXX].
Ad 3. 4. 5. et 6 arlos et ad schedulam pred deponit that as this deponent
hath likewise by letters of advice and otherwise bin credibly informed
the said shipp the crowned redd Lyon within the said time departing
and comming out of the streights with the said goods schedulated onboard
her for Amsterdam was by contrary windes and fowle weather
forced into Silly, where the said goods were seized and taken out
by order of the Governour, and afterwards laden onboard the
shipp the Ginney frigot alias the Charles (Thomas Allen captaine),
and that the same were afterwards retaken by
the Parliaments shipps, And hee saith that after the retaking thereof
and of the said shipp the Ginny frigot, the said Captaine Allen
being brought up and here imprisoned in Peterhouse, this deponent
on behalfe of the said proprietors of the said goods repaired severall
times thither unto him, and asking him whether hee had not
received the said goods being ten bales of silke
and two of mohaire yarne on board the said shipp Ginny frigot
at Scilly and showing him the markes and
numbers thereof (being the same sett downe in the said schedule)
hee the said Allen acknowledged that hee had soe received them
aboard and that the same were retaken by the Parliaments
shipps under the command of Collonell [?Poplam], and
produced a paper specifying the same goods, mares and
numbers hee showed it to this deponent who comparing it with his owne
hee found and is well assured that they were soe onboard him and retaken as
aforesaid, and saith they then were well worth [?200X GUTTER]
sterlinge and upwards, Et alr nescit.
Ad 7 deponit that the said de Marez, Therry and company arlate
were and are Inhabitants of Amsterdam and soe commonly accompted
alr nescit.
Ad [?XXXX]
Timothie Crusoe [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]