HCA 13/63 f.294r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 294 |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 17/08/2016 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_113_02_6335.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2016/08/17 |
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Q: Q:
25th Juni 1650/
Super lilo pred in hac causa ex parte dei Claeson dat examinatus
Hance Claeson et Sery con}
Broadgate et Willson et cetera}
Johannes Barley de Wapping infra parochiam da
Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Waterman natus apud [?Owbound]
in Comitatu Bedford aetatis sua 22. annorum aut eo
circiter testis productus et iuratus./
Ad primum arlum dei lili deponit et dicit that within the tyme arlate the
arlate Hance Claeson and Companie were in peaceable and quiet
possession of the ship the Saint Jacob arlate and her ladeing of oates
abord her as the true and lawfull proprietors thereof and for such
hee saith they were comonly accompted reputed and taken which hee knoweth
to bee true hee this deponent being abord the said ship the Saint Jacob
att such tyme as she was att Woolwich the voyage in question and seeing
the said Hance Claeson and Companie to bee in possession of the said
ship and ladeing as is predeposed. Et alr salvis infrascripto nescit deponere
Ad 5um arlum deponit et dicit that within and about the tyme arlate the
ship the Phillippe arlate did remained and was att or neere Dikshore as is arlate
att which tyme hee saith the arlate Mr Richard Hussee was then Master and
Commander thereof as is arlate which hee knoweth hee this deponent
heareing some of the said shipps Companie or Servants of the said Hussee
(who were then abord the said ship) say and acknowledge as much
Et alr salvis predepoite
Ad 7um arlum dei lili deponit et dicit that by the lawes and customes of
the River of Thames noe ship or vessell ought to ride att an Anchor therein
without a buoye or beacon fixed theretop as is arlate to the end that any
shipps or other vessells comeing neare the same may have thereby notice
where such Anchors doe lye and soe avoyd the danger which otherwise
through want thereof might and would happen which hee knoweth to bee true
hee this deponent being a waterman by profession and haveing served an
apprenticeship in and upon the said River hath observed the Custome to bee as is
predeposed. Et alr nescit deponere./
Ad 8um deponit that by the use and custome of the said River of Thames arlate
any ship or vessell which comes into the said River and the Companie of her
thinke it fitt to ride by the side of another ship which is moored ashore as is arlate
the Master and Cmpany of such ship or vessells may and usually doeth make fast
a Cable or other Roape unto the ship which is soe moored as aforesaid and thereby
bring theire said ship to the said moored ships side And soemuch this deponent
saith hee hath [?often] seene done [?XXX] his knowledge of the said River Et alr nesct
Ad 10. et 11um deponit et dicit that hee this deponent
Ad 10. et 11um deponit et dicit that hee this deponent with his contest
Mathew Purdye comeing from the Hermitage downe to Dickshore where the
ship the Saint Jacob arlate had bin by the space of about three howers
And saith that at such theire comeing thither the said ship the Saint Jacob
was and had come fowle of the ship the Phillips Easterin aft Anchor
which then had noe buoy or beacon thereto nor (as the fflemings abord the
Saint Jacob said) had she any at such tyme of theire bringing the said ship
thither whereby to discover where the said Anchor lay insoemuch that
the said ship the Saint Jacob (the water falling away) came and satt upon the
said Anchors stocke and not permitting the keele of the
said ship to goe into the grounde the said ship the Saint Jacob heeled into a hole
as is arlate and the tyde falling the said ship sate drye with her keele at low water on the
starbord side her larbord being about 10. foot deepe in water in soe much that
at the Tyde of fflood the water came into the said ship and thereby did spoyle and
damnifie a great part of her said L:adeing of Oats as is arlate reddens racionem ex proprys [?XXX]
et [?XXXX] hee this deponent seeing the said ship the Saint Jacob sett upon the said Anchor [?stock]