MRP: 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, London
29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, London
Editorial history
02/06/09, CSG: Completed transcription
14/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
Abstract & context
Sir Thomas Chambrelan wrote to Sir George Oxenden on March 29th, 1663.
In the letter, Chambrelan XXX
Sir Thomas Chambrelan XXXX
Suggested links
See 29th September 1662, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO
See 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, continuation
See 30th November 1663, Letter from Cesar Chambrelan to Sir GO, Carwar
See 8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney
See 19th March 1662/63, Letter from Humphrey Gyffard, Poultry Counter
See Sir Thomas Chambrelan will
To do
(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript at BL & check foliation
This transcription has been completed, but requires checking
[f. 61]
S:r Geo: Oxinden
I have written you over land both in Publique & In private, & doe much long to have lres from you to heare of yo:r safe Arrivall & good health w:ch God preserve, as to recomend any further my sonne unto you is but Repitition I doubt not of yo:r love & Care of him, wee have written you amply in o:r Generall lre to w:ch referr you, & there in give you advice of y:d arrivall of o:r ships Concord & Truro after á long passage & theire goods verymuch dammifidd but God bee praised its noo worse y:e Dutch have no newes of theire foure shipp missing last yeare & its thought they are miscarried heere inclosed is a Copie of y:e lre w:ch I rcvd from Plim:th from Cap:t Swanly by w:ch you shall see w:t newes hee writes mee I send you likewise á lre from M:r Gyffard concerning his sonn who was taken prisoner at Rajap:o w:th severall others in y:e Generall lre wee have recomended him & y:d Rolt y:t you would use all means for there release
[f. 62]
I send you in y:d Gen:ll Packqutt a Copie of theire lres by w:ch you may see y:e Great losse wee have had p M:r Andrewes Neckligence & how unworthily hee dealed with them not á fording tthem Necessaryes wee daily heare great Complaints of M:r Andrewes & how hee drives á greater trade in y:e Indes than y:e Comp:a & how unworthyly hee speakes of them heere inclosed is y:e Copie of a paper lately delivered p his Brother I hope you will have a great deale more information in India how the Comp:a have beene cheated by him & his Brokers &, doubt not but y:t yow will Bring him to Rights & make him give satisffaction for all heere inclosed goos a list (w:t treasure & other goods wee have shipped out this yeare besides wee hope y:t theirs 40: Thousand pounds in gold shipped from y:e Guinny Coast soo wee hope you will bee well inabled to Comply w:th y:d Comp:a Desires wee doo intend God willing to make sale of all India Goods resting upon o:r hands y:t 29:th Aprill next God sending us á good sale for wee had need to have some Encouragem:t for wee have had a great deale of discouragem:t but wee hope ?by yo:r care & diligence things will goo better for y:e future; I doo heartily wish y:t S:r Edw:d Winter Discharge as well his part, I am very much afraid of him not looking upon him as á man of any great Reach hee told mee at his Departure that formely hee went to gett money but now hee went for Honor.
I pray God it rove soo My Cozen Tho:s Papilion has been very carefull & diligent a bout yo:r Busienesse, in Difference w:th Alderman Love I have been assistant thereunto in w:t I could & Pray God give you a Good successe for you are to doo w:th a Crosse & Leevish [Loovish?] Adversary. Wee hope this yeare wee shall have o:r Dispatches tymely from India & y:t y:e Comp:a Ships may come timely away & y:t no ships bee ?Deleighned in India upon Demurridge w:ch doos confirme y:e Stock of y:e Comp:a M:r Andrewes useing to send his owne shipps ffull ?ffreignted to Persia & o:es went very slenderly provided w:th ffreight Goods out & home from persia y:e Comp:a have likewise beene mightily abused by ?Trivesa but I hope M:r Blake has called him to an acco:t I hope if you finde any any rarities either in plants fflowers or goods If y:e Rootes will hold for England y:t you will send them home for his Maj:tie alsoe any rare Kind of Beast like [powes - ?] no higher than A Masty [?] Dogg but I am a fraid hee is Mistaken. In o:e Gra:ll packett wee have sent you y:e Copipie of y:e Articles w:th y:e Dutch as alsoe w:th y:e Portugall where =by you may see how things stand & w:t priviledge wee have with the portugez I have not further at present to inlarge but to assure you y:t I am
Yo:r assured Lo: ffreind
Tho: Chamberlan