MRP: C2/Eliz/D2/45 f. 2

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C2/Eliz/D2/45 f. 2



//XXX 25 Api 1602//

//XXXX ?Inseratus XXXX XXX Thomas Legg//

// 29 January 1601//

//The Answeare Thomas Raynes defend:t to the Bill of Compl:t//
// of Maximilian Dalison Esq:r Compln:t//

//?The said defendánt Sáving unto himselfe now & át all times heerafter áll ádvantadges of Exception to the incertáintye & in insufficiencye of the said Bill for full & perfect ??expression & hereunto sayeth That hi himselfe ?as ?to ?be XX X that the sáid John//

//Ponitt in the Bill mentoned Xees in the ?fowerth yeere of the reigne of o:r late Sovereigne Lord King Edward the Sixt Láwfully seised in his demesne as or ?for in the right of his Bishopricke of the Mánnor of Halling w:th theappurtenances//

//in the said Bill menctoed, but this defend:t ?sayeth that no part of the mánnor of Halling doth extend into the párishe of Snodland, ánd álso that the said Bishopp was likewise seised of the Bishopps place of Halling with the ??revysion of ?thereof//

//called Hallyearde & other Lándes then in Leáse by seuerall dimises but whether the same or any part thereof as dimised by the said Bisshopp unto the said Robert Deane in the Bill mentoed in ?suche ?names & forme as is therein declared this defendant//

//knoweth not nor whether the ?Tennants of the landes of the said Bisshop formerlie dimised did átturne, nor by what title the said Robert Dean did inioye the same, whether ?what rents & ?profitts thereof hee the said Robert received nor XXXXXX//

//nor by what meánes or title the prmisses cáme unto the said William Dalison in the bill mencond, but this defendánt XXXXeth & doth verelie beleeve it to be true thát he the said Williám Dalison márried with the daughter of the said Robert Dean//

//And further this defendánt saieth that it is to him unknowne whether the said Williám Dalison did enter into áll & singuler the prmisses & was thereof lawfullie possessed or hild (sic) the same peaceblie all his lifetime, or the rents & profitts//

//thereof received as in the Bill is álleádged, neither doth this defend:t knowe whether the said Williám Dalison willed & gave his estate therein unto the said compl:t in ?suche máner & forme as in the said Bill is álleadged, but this defendánt//

//sayeth That he & his ássignes doe huld & inioye ás ffármers to the Bisshop of Rochester fowre peeces of Lánd Lying in Snodland conteining By estimáson twentie eight ácres, & as XXX Xath crediblie heard lying heretofore all bye ?thXX XXXX XX//

//but whether the ?true name thereof be called Crabtree this defenf:t knoweth not, but thinketh that the same is not the proper name thereof, neither doth this defendánt thinke or beleeve thát the same or any pte thereof is párcell of//

//the Mánnor of Halling And this defend:t further saieth thát before the time of the said Leáse supposed to be made unto the said Robert Deáne, the Lord Bisshop of Rochester that then was did dimise & ?to farme let unto one ?Allen Wood//

//of Snodlánd the said Lándes now being in forore párcells & in the occupáton of this defend:t or his ássignes ?together with certaine greenway ?ámerrXXXXnly & forfeitures of Court for the Terme of fowerscore yeeres or thereabouts of  ?thXXXX//

//rent of thirten shillings & ffowre pence, of wch Terme there is about eighten yeeres ás this defend:t doth remember, yet to come & ?unexpired, w:ch inXXXX & terme of yeeres made by the said Allen Woodde came by XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX//

//Defendánt &, he is by force thereof láwfullie possessed, but the certáine XXXXment or determináton thereof, or what covenantes are therein comprised this defend:t ?doth not remember nor can now upon his oath set forth, by XXX ??aforesaid//

//hee doth not knowe where he hath left or laied the said Lease. Without that that to the knowledge of this defend:t the rent for the said land dimised to the said Allen Woode was duely ánswered & paied unto the said Robert Deane XXXXXXXX//

//life time áfter the said Lease to him made as áforesaid or after his decease to the said Williám Dalison by all his life time, but this defendánt saieth That he never paied ány rent for the same to the said William Dalison or to the said Robert//

//Deane And without that that ány other mátter or thing in the said Bill of Complnt conteined máteriall or effectuall for this defend:t to make ánswere unto, & not before suffisientlie ánswered unto confessed & ?ápointed or els XXXXX XXXXX//

//trewe All mátters the said defend:t is readye to áver & prove ás this most honourable Court shall áward, &, most humble praieth to be from hence dismissed with his reasonable costes & chardges in this behalf most wrongfullie ?susteyned//

