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E 190/46/2 f.1 Annotate
First transcribed 9 September 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 1  +
Parent volume E 190/46/2  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 09/09/2014  +
Transcription London [LH MARGIN] '''Goods wares and MerLondon [LH MARGIN] '''Goods wares and Merchandize, brought into this Port of London by<br /> Coast Cocquetts and Transires from the Outports and from<br /> Scotland from the 1st October 1657 to the 25th<br /> June, 1658 inclusive.''' '''1 October 1657''' [CENTRE HEADING] '''Ipswich''' [LH MARGIN] ''Marygold'' of Ipswich John Lainly Master}<br /> '''1''' dennis Gawden indigenous [?X]ij ''C'' iiij ''xx'' firkins butter xvij ''Cwtt'' Cheese}<br /> six peeces English pouldanis j hogsheads English spiritts per Cert xxvj}<br /> September 1657} '''Rochester''' ''Blessing'' of Newhite Thomas Ward Master}<br /> '''2''' Edmund Caluin indigenous xx [''?n''] plaine Tyles lxxv baggs}<br /> of English hopps ij chests iij baggs of Clothes and Lynnen}<br /> per Cert, xxix th September ult} '''ffeversham''' ''William'' of Whitstable William Gilmore Master}<br /> '''3''' Item mr xxx quarters Oates xx quarters mault ij quarters Pease per Cert}<br /> xxviij September ult} '''Leigh''' ''Neptune'' of Leigh Cornelius Pattenson Master}<br /> '''4''' Idem mr xxx quarters of Oates xij quarters beanes and vj quarters wheat}<br /> per Cert xxviij September 1657 '''Leith''' ''John'' of Preston Georg Nicholson Master}<br /> '''5''' James Riddell indigenous l Chalder white Salt per Cert 17th <u>July 1657</u>} '''Milton''' ''Seaflower'' of Milton George Aldree Master}<br /> '''6''' James Lambert merchant ix loads faggotts tenn baggs}<br /> Tann and vij ''quarters'' wheate per Cert xxviij September ult} '''Newcastle''' ''Unity'' of depthford Tho: fflowes Master}<br /> '''7''' John Heeth indigenous one pack q [''?X''] ij ''C'' ''wtt'' Scotish Linnen yarne}<br /> per Cert xxvth August 1657} ''ffreindshipp'' of Woodbridge Henry Redgrave Master}<br /> '''8''' Cxxviij Chalder of Coles per Cert x th September ult}lder of Coles per Cert x th September ult}  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_109_08_1142.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_109_08_1142.jpg|[[:E 190/46/2|E 190/46/2]] f.1r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 23 January 2018 19:11:54  +
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