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HCA 13/70 f.259v Annotate
First transcribed 26 August 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 259  +
Parent volume HCA 13/70  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/08/2014  +
Transcription To the second Interrogatory he answereth tTo the second Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate shipp<br /> was safely moord at the time of the disaster, at which time there<br /> were sixe aboard her of the sayd shipps Company (as he hath<br /> predeposed) besides the Custome=house wayters, and that he<br /> beleiveth they were sufficient to looke unto the said shipp, had<br /> not the disaster of fire happened in her, And he answereth<br /> that the said Mariners did in the sayd voyage doe their<br /> dutyes honestly and carefully. And further he cannot answere To the third Interrogatory he answereth that the Master interrate did give<br /> leave to John Turner to goe ashoare, And to the rest he<br /> answereth negatively. To the fourth Interrogatory he answereth that he is a servant of the<br /> producent but that he hath not in the least point bin taught<br /> or intrusted what to say or depose in this cause. To the fifth he referreth himselfe to his former deposition<br /> And further he knoweth not to answeare. Repeated before doctor Clarke:/. Thomas knight [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] ******************************* On the 24th of ffebruary 1654. [CENTRE HEADING] Philipp Richaut and Company for}<br /> the shipp the ''ffortune of the Sea''}<br /> otherwise called the ''Post''} Upon the Libell '''5''' '''John Baptista Vanderhoven''' of the<br /> Precinct of the Tower London Merchant, where<br /> he hath lived these 2 yeares past, aged 32<br /> yeares and upwards, borne at Antwerpe in Brabant<br /> a wittnes produced, sworne and being examined<br /> deposeth as followeth. To the first article of the Libell given in and admitted on the<br /> behalfe of the articulate Philip Richaut and Company he<br /> deposeth and saith That he hath knowne the arlate shipp<br /> the ''ffortune of the Sea'' now called the ''Post'' for allmost<br /> two yeares since, and that within that time videlicet about a<br /> yeare and a quarter since he went over as a passenger in<br /> her from this Port of London to Dunkirke, and that<br /> the sayd shipp was sett out upon that voyage upon the<br /> accompt of the Libellate Philipp Richaut and Company<br /> they being the Owners and Proprietors of her<br /> and her tackle, apparrell and furniture, And he further<br /> deposeth that he knoweth that the said shipp doth appertaine<br /> and belong unto the said Philip Richaut and Company<br /> for that Abraham Vanderhoven this deponents brother<br /> did buy the said shipp at Ostend for them the sayd<br /> Owners, and for that he the deponent hath been [?XXXX]<br /> when his precontest Peter Powles the [?sometime] Master of the aarlate<br /> shipp the ''ffortune of the Sea'' now called the ''Post'' [?did]<br /> accompt unto the said Mr Philip Richaut for the<br /> freight of the said shipp And further he cannot depose To the second and third articles he cannot depose. To the fourth and fifth articles he deposeth and saith that he hath [?XXX]<br /> the arlate shipp the ''ffortune'' now called the ''Post'' within<br /> six weekes, since her comming into this River of Thames and<br /> since her being arrested at the suite of the arlate Philip Richaut<br /> and Company, and that therefore he very well knoweth<br /> itrefore he very well knoweth<br /> it  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0128.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0128.JPG|[[:HCA 13/70|HCA 13/70]] f.259v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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