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HCA 13/71 f.435v Annotate
First transcribed 19 December 2012  +
First transcriber Jill Wilcox  +
Folio 435  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 19/12/2012  +
Transcription man of warr, and that hee lived in fflushiman of warr, and that hee lived in fflushing, and otherwise hee cannot<br /> depose. To the fifth hee saith that the said shipp the ''Edward and John'' soe [?belongeth GUTTER]<br /> to the said Greene, Bellamy and company, took was aforesaid from [?this GUTTER]<br /> deponent, and the shipp the ''Edward and John'' were lying at [?Wivenell GUTTER]<br /> in Colchester river by the name of the ''Pilgrim'' under the command<br /> of a dutch master, and arrested by her authoritie of this Court, was and<br /> is one and the same shipp and not to diverse, which hee knoweth being<br /> aboard her there on wednesday and thursday last was a fortnight, and viewing her and finding<br /> and apparently by many tokens and signes knowing her to be the same<br /> and otherwise hee cannot depose. john hobson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] ***************************** The same day. [CENTRE HEADING] Examined upon the said allegation. '''Rp. 2.''' '''John Goddard''' of Alborough Sailer, aged 27 yeeres or<br /> thereabouts, sworne and examined. To the first article hee saith then hee well knoweth the shipp<br /> the ''Edward and John'' (nowe called the ''Pilgrim'') arlate and so hath<br /> donne over since hee was built, which was about seven yeeres since<br /> at which time this deponent sawe her building at Alborough<br /> and alsoe well knoweth the producents John Greene and company<br /> arlate, who hee saith were and are her owners, and for such<br /> commonly accounted. To the second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that about the end<br /> of March last past the said owners set out the said shipp from<br /> Alborough under the conduct of this precontest John Robson her master<br /> on a voyage for Island (sic), whence recives to retourne<br /> to England, and that going to Island (sic) and being in her retourne for<br /> England comming on the coast of Scotland, shee was in or about<br /> the 19th of July last set upon and violently seized and taken<br /> by a certaine man of warr called the ''Coach'', commannded by one<br /> Joseph [?Mervit], who upon the sea took her and her lading<br /> from the said Robson and company who to that instant was in<br /> quiet possession and peaceably sailing her for the said owners use<br /> and the said [?Mervit] put men aboard her and carried her away<br /> and so forcibly and uniustly dispoiled and deprived the said master<br /> and the said owners of her, All which hee knoweth going out from<br /> Alborough as her, and being one of her company, and aboard her<br /> at the time of the said seizure and taken out into the said man<br /> of warr, And otherwise hee cannot depose. To the fourth hee saith that this deponent being brought in the said<br /> man of warr to fflushing, hee sawe a gentleman came there aboard from<br /> the towne, who hee saith was by some of the man of warrs company<br /> said to be living there, and to be owners one of the said owners of<br /> the said shipp the ''Coach'', and otherwise hee cannot depose. To the fifth article hee saith that the said shipp the ''Edward and John''<br /> be taken from the said master and owners of her as aforesayd<br /> andowners of her as aforesayd<br /> and  +
Transcription image [[File:P1140038.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1140038.JPG|[[:HCA 13/71|HCA 13/71]] f.435v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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