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HCA 13/71 f.497v Annotate
First transcribed 11 December 2012  +
First transcriber Janet Few  +
Folio 497  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 11/12/2012  +
Transcription deposition hee cannot now fully answer to deposition hee cannot now fully answer to this Interogatorie The marke of the sayd<br /> Mawrice '''+''' Foard [MARKE, RH SIDE] *************************** The 22th of January 1656 Lane Cooper and Company Owners of the ''Providence'' of}<br /> Boston of which William Otter was Master against the}<br /> ''Samuell'' of London and against Lee the Master of her} Examined upon an allegation on behalfe of the<br /> sayd Lee/ '''Rp. 1''' '''William Herring''' of the parish of Saint Katherine neere<br /> the Tower of London Mariner aged twenty eight yeares or<br /> thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and<br /> deposeth as followeth videlicet:/ To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee<br /> this deponent being one of the Company of the shipp the ''Samuell'' the voyage<br /> in question and on abord well knoweth that the articulate William Lee with the<br /> sayd shipp ''Samuell'' and the arlate Otter with the shipp the ''Providence'' did [?upon or GUTTER]<br /> about the 5th day of September last come from Newcastle together and [?being GUTTER]<br /> come to the Northwards of Scarborough and the winde being at South the sayd<br /> shipp ''Samuell'' upon the 6th of September aforesayd [?stand] off, and the<br /> ''Providence'' in and came neere each other which the sayd Lee [?seeking GUTTER]<br /> to prevent any dammage that might ensue by their coming soe neere soe,<br /> much as in him lay, did cause his Company to weather the sayd Otters<br /> shipp and thereupon the sayd Otter or some of his Company of the<br /> ''Providence'' waved to the Company of the ''Samuell'' that they should [?beare GUTTER]<br /> up whereupon the sayd Lee caused John d[?enue] the Carpenter of the ''Samuell''<br /> who was then at the helme to beare up the helme immediately according to[X GUTTER]<br /> waste made by the sayd Otter or his Company and alsoe to the sayd Lee caused<br /> his Company to lett goe their maine sheate and mayne top sayle bowling [XXX GUTTER]<br /> to brace the mayne sayle and mayne topsayle in the winde and brayle up the<br /> Mizen, and in deede the sayd Lee and his Company of the ''Samuell'' did<br /> use all possible endeavour (according to the sayd Otter waste made to [?goe GUTTER]<br /> cleare of the sayd Otters shipp and prevente doeing or receaving any<br /> prejudice, Which notwithstanding the sayd Otter [?on] the ''Providence'' (though hee has as<br /> aforesayd waved to the ''Samuells'' Company to brace up) did come with full<br /> sayle upon the ''Samuell'' and came soe violently against her that hee [?thXX GUTTER]<br /> brake downe her head and her stemme and fower of her beames<br /> betweene decks, and broke downe her upper deck in her forecastle<br /> and broke two foote and halfe of plank[?e] on her larboard side under the [?fXXX GUTTER]<br /> Channells of the ''Samuell'' and alsoe broke the Coller of her mayne staye<br /> and did her much other dammage whereby the sayd shipp ''Samuell'' and<br /> her ladeing of Coles were in very great danger to perish and sinke in the<br /> Sea and alsoe the lives of her Company very much endangered for<br /> they very much endangered for<br /> the  +
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