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HCA 13/73 f.453r Annotate
First transcribed 7 August 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 453  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 07/08/2014  +
Transcription Upon the fourth allegation of 6 articles. Upon the fourth allegation of 6 articles. [CENTRE HEADING] To the first hee referreth himselfe to what hee hath before said (touching the<br /> matter arlate) which hee saith is true, and further hee cannot depose. To the second hee cannot depose. To the third hee saith that all such papers and writings (being as aforesaid) which<br /> xame to the hands of this deponent from Captaine Storey<br /> out of the ''Saint Mary'', were by this deponent delivered entirely up into<br /> the hands of the said Moller and hee received the same of thos deponent<br /> who hath not seene them or any of them at any time since, and saith<br /> that hee had noe papers belonging to the said shipp delivered to him<br /> by any hand but by the said Captaine Storey. And further hee deposeth not,<br /> saving as aforesaid. To the fourth hee saith hee never saw the instructions for the voyage in<br /> question, nor the copies of the letters arlate, nor were any such produced<br /> unto him, though hee demanded them and all papers concerning the<br /> voyage of the said van lynen and Moller, both together and each apart,<br /> who apart and together avouched to this deponent that they had noe<br /> other papers than when hee had soe received of Captaine Storey and after<br /> delivered to the said Moller, namely, the Charter partie, bills of lading<br /> and seabrief as aforesaid, and the said moller further told this deponent<br /> that hee had noe other unlesse this deponent would give him leave to send<br /> into holland for them. And further hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid. To the fifth hee cannot depose. To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true. To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING] To the first hee answereth that hee cometh in the behalfe of the State to be<br /> a witnes in this cause as his duty and voluntarily being the States servant, and<br /> that hee expecteth noe part or share though the ''Mary'' and goods be made prize nor<br /> hath had ought nor expecteth ought, and otherwise negatively. To the second hee saith hee is a devonshire man borne and speaketh English alone<br /> and understandeth some smattering [?XXXX] in other languages, and saith hee hath<br /> lived in London and at sea in the service of this Commonwealth for theise tenn<br /> yeares last, and was never put to learne any language in any place,<br /> more than his mother tongue. To the third hee saith hee was commander in cheife of the squadron of shipps<br /> in the mediteranean sea of which squadron the ''ffairfax'' was one and that the shipp<br /> wherein hee this deponent sailed and commanded was called the ''Lin[X]e'', and otherwise<br /> hee cannot answer saving negatively for his part. To the fourth hee saith hee never saw the said shipp ''Santa Maria'', till such her<br /> bringing up to Tholon, which was in winter last past, namely about a<br /> yeare since, and otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid. To the 5th negatively for his part saving his foregoeing deposition. To the 6th hee answereth negatively for his part and otherwise referreth<br /> himselfe to his foregoeing deposition. To the 7th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, wherein hee hath satisfied<br /> the same To the 8th hee saith that the lading seized in the ''Mary'' were hides, cacoa,<br /> Brazil wood and some tobaccoe, the particular quantities whereof hee saith hee<br /> cannot declare without his notes, but hath a receipt of them from mr Al[?d]worth<br /> the States agent there, which hee is ready to produce, and saith hee disposed not of any<br /> of them, nor ordered the disposall of any, And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as<br /> aforesaid and what followeth.<br /> aforesaid and what followeth.  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0116_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0116_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.453r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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