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HCA 13/65 f.36r Annotate
First transcribed 14 March 11  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 36  +
Parent volume HCA 13/65  +
Side Recto  +
Status First cut transcription started and completed on 11/03/14 by Colin Greenstreet  +
Transcription [IMAGE FAILED TO LOAD IN SCRIPTO] 21th of[IMAGE FAILED TO LOAD IN SCRIPTO] 21th of August 1651. On the behalfe of John Wright}<br /> touching the shipp the ''Peter''}<br /> of Amsterdam} '''Rp.''' '''Barthol Christoferson''' of Tonsborowe in Norway<br /> Shipwright aged 27 yeares or thereabouts sworne<br /> before the right Worshipfull William Clarke doctor of<br /> Lawes, one of the Judges of the high Court of<br /> the Admiraltia and examined upon certaine Interrogatories<br /> ministred on the behalfe of the said John Wright<br /> saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet. To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well knew<br /> the shipp the ''Peter'' Interrogated at the time of her last being in<br /> Norway in the parts beyond the seas, and saith shee was last at<br /> Longsound in Norway and came thence about five weekes since, which<br /> hee knoweth being Carpenter of her and comming thence in her. To the second Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp<br /> was bound from Longsound for London, and comming from Longsound<br /> prosecuted her direct course for London whither shee intended to come,<br /> her lading being consigned for this port, And otherwise hee cannot depose. To the third hee deposeth that the said shipp in her course of proceeding<br /> for this port of London, was met, fought with, surprized and taken by a man of warr<br /> pretending to have a Commissiomn from the kinge of Scotts, together<br /> with her whole lading and by him carried into Gravala[?igne], where her<br /> company were dispossessed of her and turned ashore, and her lading taken<br /> out and landed by the said man of warrs company, and by them disposed<br /> of, soe that the same was and is utterly lost to the said John Wright<br /> all which hee knoweth to be true because hee was on board the said shipp<br /> the ''Peter'' when shee was soe seized, (which was about a moneth since,<br /> off Alfernesse on the coast of England) and was carried to Graveling<br /> in her, where hee sawe the said goods and lading taken out as aforesaid,<br /> saving a quantitie of deales and masts that were lost and cast away with<br /> her, the said shipp comming there aground and being by that meanes splitt<br /> in peaces, that shee perished of his sight and knowledge. To the last hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid. Repeated before doctor Clarke. [MARKE] [MARKE, RH SIDE] UNIQ2d5e9d9fc783e34d-nowiki-00000397-QINU 21th of August 1651. The keepers of the Liberties of England by}<br /> authoritie of Parliament against the shipp}<br /> the ''John'' of hamborowe} '''Hance Sweyer''' of hamborough Mariner<br /> master of the said shipp the ''Saint John'' aged<br /> 65 yeares or thereabouts sworne and<br /> examined upon Interrogatories ministred on<br /> behalfe of the state saith as followeth<br /> videlicet. To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said vessell the<br /> ''John'' was taken and rescued by Captaine Cl[?arke] on the seaventh of this instant<br /> moneth neare haver de Grace, at which time shee was laden with Sea cole<br /> and had noe other merchandize aboard her, which sea coles were laden aboard<br /> her at Newcastle to be thence transported for Roane for accompt and proffit<br /> of her owners, all hamburgers and there resident, and at Roane to be<br /> by this deponent sold and disposed of for their best advantage, and saith that<br /> the said shipp belongeth to the port of hamborowe and was built at Embden<br /> and that L[?owas da Boyes]. hance hoppe, Martin [?Beverburgh] and hee this<br /> deponent are the sole owners of the said shipp and lading, in which hee this<br /> deponent, master of the said shipp hath an eighth part. And lastly saith<br /> thatth part. And lastly saith<br /> that  +
Transcription image P1170446  +
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