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HCA 13/65 f.98v Annotate
First transcribed 21 March 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 98  +
Parent volume HCA 13/65  +
Side Verso  +
Status Requires image; transcribed on 21/03/2014  +
Transcription the said moneth there were laden aboard ththe said moneth there were laden aboard the said shipp the ''Grayhound'' at<br /> Roane by the arlate John Cole sixtie three thousand hoopes, and fiftie baskets<br /> of glasse, which hee knoweth because hee was then Skipper of the said shipp<br /> and received the said goods aboard, and signed a bill of lading for the same<br /> being the bill of lading annexed to the said allegation, and otherwise hee cannot depose<br /> saving the contents of the said bill of lading. To the third article and the first schedule annexed, hee saith hee cannot depose<br /> saying hee neither knoweth the said Sam borne nor his hand writing, nor doth hee kno[?e]<br /> Mr M[XXXX] as hee saith. To the fourth article and second schedule annexed hee saith and deposeth that<br /> the said schedule was and is the true and originall bill of lading for the<br /> said goods, and was and is signed with the proper hand of him this deponent [XXX]<br /> master of the said shipp, and the contents thereof were and are true and soe<br /> had and donne as therein is contained, and that this deponent soe signed<br /> the same two or three dayes after the lading thereof. And otherwise hee<br /> cannot depose. To the fifth hee saith that the said hoopes and glasse were taken in the said<br /> shipp on the high and open sea by the arlate Captaine R[?iscamer]<br /> and brought into dartmouth harbour, which hee knoweth being in her when<br /> shee was soe taken. And otherwise hee cannot depose. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition was and is true. To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING] '''Smith dt.''' To the first hee answereth that hee hath noe share or interest in the goods in<br /> question, but saith hee had aboard the said shipp at the time of the said seizure<br /> about tenn pounds sterling worth of plaster ballast (and soe much hee saith the<br /> same cost at Roane) belonging to this deponent and the rest of the owners of<br /> the said shipp, and 142 dozen of glasse bottles belonging to this deponent<br /> and his shipps company, and saith the said Cole who laded the foresaid hoopes<br /> and glasse was and is an English man, and that the same were of the make<br /> of ffrance, and were to bee thence transported to Bourdeaux in ffrance,<br /> And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition and the said bill of lading hee cannot<br /> answer as hee saith. Repeated before doctor Clarke. [XXXXXX XXXXX]<br /> [XXXXX] [?MARKE, RH SIDE] *********************** 27. die September: 1651. [?Opayman] and Company late}<br /> Mariners of the shipp the}<br /> ''hopewell'' againsr John Wood}<br /> Master thereof} '''?1XXX''' '''Phillip Cranwell''' of Limehouse in the parish of<br /> Stepney in the County of Middlesex Shipp Carpenter aged 34 yeares or<br /> thereabouts sworne and examined deposeth as followeth To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee<br /> this deponent was one of the Company of the Shipp the ''Hopewell''<br /> arlate, and went forth in her in or upon the third of August 1648, and<br /> continued in the same untill the month of december 1649, dur[?eing]<br /> all which time hee saith the said John Wood was Master Comander and<br /> Governour of the said shipp the ''Hopewell'' and tooke upon him the care<br /> and charge thereof during the same time which hee knoweth for th[?at]<br /> he was Carpenters mate of and belonging to the said shipp as for and<br /> dureing all the time afore said And otherwise hee cannot depose./ To the second hee saith that dureing the time predeposed this deponent did<br /> serve in the said shipp, and was hyred by the said Wood, for 28 s per mon[?eth]<br /> [which]for 28 s per mon[?eth]<br /> [which]  +
Transcription image P1170571 <em><small>(Image not found)</small></em>  +
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