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HCA 13/72 f.338v Annotate
First transcribed 18 November 2013  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 338  +
Parent volume HCA 13/72  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 18/11/2013  +
Transcription shipps interrogated nor ought of or concershipps interrogated nor ought of or concerning them, And otherwise<br /> cannot answer. To the fourth hee saith hee was never upon the coast of Ginney [?nor GUTTER]<br /> knoweth which of the places interrogated it lieth neerest with; but saith hee<br /> hath bin in sight of the Iland of Saint Christofers interrogated, but was never<br /> ashore in it. And otherwise cannot answer. To the fifth Interrogatorie hee saith hee once or twice saw the interrogated<br /> Nicholas Johnson Engell come to the gate or grate of the<br /> foresaid prison while this deponent was soe kept therein, which was [XXX GUTTER]<br /> two and twenty monethes since; And this deponent taketh [?it ?is GUTTER]<br /> a dutchman who is now attending to be examined in this busines ?as ?a GUTTER]<br /> witnes, is named barent Claeson, and this deponent hath alsoe knowne<br /> him for the said time, having seene him alsoe come to the said prison, [?and GUTTER]<br /> since met him here, And to the rest of this Interrogatorie hee saith hee<br /> knoweth nor hath heard ought thereof. To the 6th hee cannot answer. To the 7th it concerneth him not, hee not having deposed to [?thXX GUTTER] To the 8th hee cannot answer ought thereto. To the 9th hee cannot answer thereto. To the 10th hee knoweth nothing thereof as hee saith. Repeated before doctor Godolphin. Tho: Haward [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] ************************** The same day. [CENTRE HEADING] examined upon the foresaid allegation. '''Rp. 2.''' '''Bernard Niclaesen''' of Amsterdam Mariner, aged 34<br /> yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined. To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that<br /> in the moneth of August new stile 1652 the arlate Nicholas Johnson Engel<br /> was set forth from Amsterdam by the now claimers in this cause<br /> Peter Pulla and others in a shipp called the ''Angell'' with [?XXX GUTTER]<br /> twenty guns, and this deponent the late master of the shipp the<br /> ''Nicholas'' in question (being brother of the said Nicholas Johnson) was<br /> at the same time set out by the same owners in the shipp called<br /> the ''Yellow Sunn'' carrying twenty two guns, both bound with [?their GUTTER]<br /> respective cargazons for Guiney to fetch Negro's, to be thence [XXX GUTTER<br /> to Martinica or Saint Christofers or some other free port or place<br /> as they the said Masters hould thinke convenientest for the busines<br /> of their said owners, and this hee saith was and is true and notorious To the second article hee saith and deposeth that the said shipps the<br /> ''Angell'' and the ''Yellow Sunn'' under conduct of the said masters<br /> safely arived with their outward cargo's in or about december new stile 1652<br /> at Guiney, where the said masters disposed and trucked away their<br /> outwards lading for Negros, and bought therewith for their said owners<br /> their account seaven hundred fourtie and three Negro's, who were<br /> all imbarqued there aboard the said two shipps, and carried thence there[?with GUTTER]<br /> forthence there[?with GUTTER]<br /> for  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_121_11_5002.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5002.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.338v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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