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HCA 13/73 f.43r Annotate
First transcribed 9 August 2013  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 43  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 09/08/2013  +
Transcription The 8th day of ffebruary 1658./. Clarke cThe 8th day of ffebruary 1658./. Clarke con Scattergood)<br /> aforesaid) Examined on the said Libell./ '''Rp. 6:''' '''Thomas Douglas''' of New Gravel Lane in Wapping<br /> Mariner aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and<br /> Examined:/: To the first and second Positions of the said Libell hee saith, that for<br /> and during all the time Libellate Robert Clarke<br /> was Master and Partowner of the ship the ''Warewell'' Libellate, and<br /> the said Clarke and Company were the said time the True<br /> and Lawfull owners, and Proprietors of the said ship, and of<br /> her tackle, Apparrell and furniture and soe Commonly<br /> accounted: And saith that on or about the second day of August<br /> last the said ship the ''Warewell'' arived in the River of Thames<br /> (from Newcastle) with her Lading of Coales. which did belong<br /> to the said Clarke and Company, and saith she came to an<br /> Anchor att [?XXXX] in the said River betwixt Wapping Dock and Execution dock, and there<br /> moored in a very good and Convenient birth where ships<br /> doe Usuall ride and lye at Anchor, in which place hee saith<br /> the said ship rode in safety One ffloud , and two Ebbs. during<br /> all which time there was noe Appearance of any buoy or Anchor<br /> neere to the said Place where the said ship soe lay Moored as<br /> aforesaid: The Premisses hee deposeth having knowne the said Clarke<br /> and the said ship ''Warewell'' for about three yeeres last, and<br /> was one of the said shipps Company at the said time that shee<br /> soe lay at Anchor as aforesaid: and further cannot<br /> depose./. To the third hee saith that after the said ship the ''Warewell''<br /> had laine at Anchor in the Place aforesaid, for, the space of one<br /> floud and two Ebbs as aforesaid the said ship happened to be bilged<br /> upon an Anchor which did lye with in the said ships birth<br /> having noe buoy fastned to it. and the said ship ''Warewell''<br /> tooke in about five foote water in her hould, before her Master<br /> and Company Espied the same, and soe soone as ever the Master and Company<br /> had espyed and discovered the same they did Imediate Plye her two<br /> Pumpes. and procured other Mariners to assiste them therein, and<br /> alsoe to helpe to hale the said ship to shore, And the Master and<br /> Company of the said ship the ''Warewell'' and the said other Mariners<br /> did use their Uttmost Endeavour in hastening to get the said ship<br /> to the shore Yet Notwithstanding the said ship was filled with<br /> Water. before they could get her to shore, This hee deposeth being<br /> aboard and helping and assisting in the premisses And further cannot<br /> depose/: To the 4th hee saith that after the said ship the ''Warewell'' was haled<br /> neere to shore the Said Clarke, for securing her did cause her<br /> Company and others that hee hired forthwith to fall to Worke in<br /> (heavinge to fall to Worke in<br /> (heavinge  +
Transcription image [[File:P1110938.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1110938.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.43r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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