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SP 28/131/pt5 f.2r Annotate
First transcribed 13 July 2015  +
First transcriber Gavin Robinson  +
Folio 2  +
Parent volume SP 28/131/5  +
Side Recto  +
Status Created page; uploaded image  +
Transcription 19o. die Octobris 1642. by the Commissarie19o. die Octobris 1642. by the Commissaries [CENTRE HEADING] [?Xajor] [?Xkippon] [LEFT MARGIN] Stephen Darnelly of Crouched ffryers Grocer, listed one}<br /> white Gelding furnished and Armed Compleate valued att} 32. 00. 00 20o. die Octobris 1642. [CENTRE HEADING] idem [LEFT MARGIN] Thomas Starckey att the fflower deluce in the Exchange,}<br /> Sadler listed one browne bay horse, furnished with a sadle}<br /> and furniture, a Case of pistolls and a buffe Coat valued att} 26. 00. [?0X] idem [LEFT MARGIN] Captain Lieutenant Anthony Buller listed one browne horse with}<br /> a starr furnished with a Carabine, a Case of pistolls, a buffe}<br /> Coate and a sword all valued att} 32. 00. 00 Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN] Gabriell Newman of Adley streete Goldsmith listed one sadd}<br /> bay gelding furnished with a Carabine, a Case of pistolls a}<br /> buffe Coate and a sword valued att} 30. 00. 00 idem [LEFT MARGIN] John Long Draper, listed one Iron gray gelding with a blase}<br /> furnished with a Carabine a Case of pistolls a buffe Coate}<br /> and a sword all valued att} 35. 00. 00 Captain Manwayring [LEFT MARGIN] John Hase Sopeboyler, listed one}<br /> Iron gray horse furnished with a Carabine a Case of}<br /> pistolls a buffe Coate and a sword with a saddle and furni=}<br /> ture, valued att} 26. 00. 00 Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN] Daniell Cittie of Burchinlane Merchaunt, listed one fleabitten}<br /> gelding with two starrs and one in the forehead with sadle}<br /> and furniture, Carabine, buffe Coate and pistolls and a sword}<br /> all valued att} 22. 00. 00 idem [LEFT MARGIN] Joseph Aliston gentl listed one Roan gelding bare valued att 10. 00. 00 21o. die Octobris 1642. [CENTRE HEADING] Captain Manwayring [LEFT MARGIN] Thomas Edwards att the sunn in Mugwell streete Inholder}<br /> listed one browne bay gelding bare valued att} 9. 00. 00 Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN] Samuell Payne Merchauntayler listed one Chesnutt geldinge}<br /> with a starr in his forehead furnished with a Carabine, a}<br /> Case of pistolls, a buffe Coate and a sword valued att} 26. 00. 00 Captain Skippon [LEFT MARGIN] Daniell fforvaokes of Soperlane Merchaunt, listed one}<br /> able gray gelding, his Ryder Ratcliffe Bennett furnished}<br /> with a Carabine a Case of pistolls, a buffe Coate}<br /> and a sword all valued att} [?3X]. 00. [?XX] 11 [?27XXXXX]ued att} [?3X]. 00. [?XX] 11 [?27XXXXX]  +
Transcription image [[File:8048124802_f85d2d3a9f_o.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/8048124802_f85d2d3a9f_o.jpg|[[:SP 28/131/5|SP 28/131/5]] f.2r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 13 July 2015 07:50:36  +
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