Tools: PROB 11/355/34 Will of Lawrence Martel, Merchant of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch 05 March 1677
PROB 11/355/34 Will of Lawrence Martel, Merchant of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch 05 March 1677
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SEE: "DEPOSITION OF John Weekes of the same citie servant of Laurence Martel of the citie afore said Merchant aged twenty yeeres or thereabouts" [HCA 13/72 f.16r]
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To do
Laurentius Martel./ [RH MARGIN]
In The name of God Amen
This nyne and Twentieth day of September Anno Dominus 1676. And
in the Wight and Twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord
King Charles the Second etcetera, I Lawrence Martel of the parish of Saint
Gabriel ffehnchurch London Merchant beng att present weake in body
But of sournd and perfect mind and memory (Praised be Almighty
God for the same) Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in
manner and forme following (That is to say)
First I Commend my sould unto
Almighty God that gave it hopeing for everlasting life by and through the
meritts death and mediation of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and Redeemer
And my Body I Committ to the Earth to be buried att the discretion of my
And as for such wordly Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow
upon me in this world I doe give and dispose the same (after my debts paid
and ffunerall Charges defrayed) in manner following (That is to say)
I doe give unto the poore of the ffrench Church London of which Church I am
a member the summe of ffifty pounds of lawfull money of England To be paid to
the Overseers of the said poore soone after my decease
Item I doe give
the summe of ffifty pounds unto and amongst poore s[XXXed] Nonconforming
Ministers in such proportions as to my Executrix shall seme convenient
Item I doe give unto my Ancient ffreind Mr Samuel vernon the summe of
Thirty pounds
Item I doe give and bequeath unto my deare and loveing wife
Anne Martel the summe of ffower Thousant pounds of lawfull money of
Item I doe give and devise Allthose my Three Messuages or
Tenements withappurtenances scituate in ffenchurch streete in London one of
them being [XXX] in my occupation one other of them in the occupation of my
Sonne in Lawe John de la Chambre and the other of them in the occupation
of Godfrey Webster unto my said loveing wife Anne Martell and her assignes
for and during the terme of her naturall life without impeachment of or for
any manner of waste And after her decease I doe give and devise the said Three
Messuages or Tenements with th'appurtenances unto and amongst all and every
of my sonnes and daughters That shall be liveing att the time of the decease of my
said wife And unto their heires and assignes in Equall portions
Item I doe
give and bequeath unto my said loveing wife All and every my househould stuffe
houshouldgoods hangings Plate Rings and Jewells whatsoever now remaining
and being in and about my said now dwelling house
Item, I doe give and
bequeath unto my Eldest sonne John Martell the Summe of Two Thousand
pounds of lawfull money of England
Item I doe give and bewuath unto
Peter James Leah Mary Sarah and Rachel Martel sonns and daughters of me
the said Lawrence Martel To each and every of them the summe of one Thousand
and ffive hundred pounds of lawfull money of England
Item I doe give unto
my sonne in Lawe John De La Chambre and Elizabeth his wife my daughter
the summe of ffive hundred pounds of lawfull money of England whereby her
portion may be equall with the said others of my said daughters
Item I give
unto my sonne in Law William ffashion and Anne his wife my daughter
the summe of ffive hundred pounds of lawfull money of England whereby her
portion may be equall with the said others of my said daughters
Item I give
unto my Aunt Marie Drowart ffive pounds
Item I doe give unto my
Nephews and Neeces Lawrence william Charles John Marie hester and Anne
Smith ffive pounds a peice
The Rest Residue and remainder of all my
goods Chattells Rights debts money and Estate whatsoever not herein bequeathed
I doe give unto my said loveing wife
And I doe hereby order and appoint
my said Loveing wife Anne Martel To be full and sole Executrix of this
my last will and Testament And I doe desire nominate and appoint my
Loveing Freinds Thomas Papillon of London Esquire and George Toriano
of London Merchant To be overseers of this my last will and Testament
And I doe hereby give and bequeath unto the said Thomas Papillon and
George Toriano ffifty pounds a peece as a small token of my love to
them for the Trouble that they may receive by this my will And I
doe alsoe order and appoint my said Sonne in Law John De La Chambre
and my said sonne John Martel overseers of this my will And I doe
hereby revoake all former wills by me made
In witnes whereof
I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare ffirst above
Lawrence Martel./
Signed sealed Published and declared
by the said Laurence Martell as his last will after the enterlining
of the word (ffifty) in the [XXXX] of Tho: hill Andr. Parker./
Probatum fuit Testamentum supra scriptum apud London
Coram venerabili vire ho[uvere] ffauconberge legim doctore Surrogatro
venerablis et Egregij viri Din Leolim Jenkins Militis Legum etiam D[XXXX]
Curia Prarogativa Caut Magiri Custod [XXX] Comissarij l[X]time Constituto
Quinto da Mensis Mart
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