KaggleTestSnippets: HCA 13/53 f.87r

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Signoff image

KaggleTestSnippets: HCA 13/53 f.87r

Palaeographical comments

Hailwood: Weak penmanship - wobbly lines, a blotch - but as this is a symbol I would rank it as moderate to set it above a simple squiggle or basic cross (though it could, perhaps, be the latter, though an anchor seems more likely).

KaggleTestSnippets: HCA 13/53 f.87r
First name Richard
Middle name(s)
Last name Shepperd
Occupation Mariner
Secondary shorebased occupation
Mariner occupation Cook
Citizen Not citizen
Res street
Res parish
Res town Brixton
Res county Devon
Res province
Res country England
Age at deposition 58
Birth year 1579
Deposition date Mar 29 1637
Deposition start page HCA 13/53 f.86v Annotate
Deposition signoff page HCA 13/53 f.87r Annotate
Type of signoff Marke
Type of marke Anchor
Number of initials
Signoff rotation
Grade of signoff Greenstreet Simple
Grade of signoff Hailwood Moderate
Grade of signoff Ponte
Grade of signoff Van Lottum
Numerical grade of signoff Greenstreet
Numerical grade of signoff Hailwood
Numerical grade of signoff Ponte
Numerical grade of signoff Van Lottum