MRP: Robert Dawes senior will

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Robert Dawes senior will

PROB 11/183 Coventry 54–116 Will of Robert Dawe, Clothier of Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire12 May 1640

Editorial history

04/12/11, CSG: Created page & pasted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Father of Robert Dawes, investor in SVJS and Jonathan Dawes, Loyal Merchant part owner

Suggested links

See Samuell Dawe will
See Jonathan Dawes will
See Robert Dawes will
See Robert Dawes junior will

To do

(1) Check the transcription


Transcription has been completed, but requires checking

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the third day of March in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred thirty and nyne and in the sixteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soverigne Lord Kinge Charles I Robert Dawe of Wotton underedge in the County of Gloucestershire beinge sick in bodie but of pfecte and good memory thanks be given unto Allmighty god Doe make and ordaine this my last will and testam:t in manner and forme hereafter followinge

ffirst I comend my soule into the hands of Allmightie god my creator and Jesus Christ his only Sonne my redeemer by whose Ritious death and passion I beleeve and hope to have remission of my Synns and finally eternall life and my bodie to be buried in xian (i.e. Christian) buriall att the discretion of my executrix whereafter herein named

And for my worldly estate and goodes wherewith it hath pleased god to bless mee And whereof I have not otherwaies settled & assured I doe dispose thereof as followeth whereas I have contracted and agreed with John Dutton Esquire for the residue and remainder of all those fullinge mills and gristle mills under one roofe in Charfield in the said County of Glouc:r and of all the messuages lands tenem:ts and hereditam:ts Contained and comprised in an Indenture bearinge date on or about the last daie of March in the tenth yeare of the raigne of our late Soveraigne Lord King James over England made by


S:r William Throgmorton Knight and baronett deceased and S:r Thomas Tracy Knight and William Hick late of Tortworth in the said County Clothier and for the same have paid unto the said M:r Dutton the full purchase beinge one hundred and five pounds More I doe will and devise the said residue and remainder of the same mills messuage landes tenem:ts and hereditam:ts soe contracted and agreed for and all the benefit and advantage thereof unto my sonne Jonathan Dawe and to his Heires executors administrators and assignes forever, And I doe hereby desire the said M:r Dutton to graunte remedy and assure the same messuages landes tenem:ts and hereditam:ts unto him the said Jonathan his heires executors administrators and assignes in such sorte as the said Jonathan Dawe Doth desire accordinge to the said contracte and agreem:t in all respects as fully as it ought to be granted and affirmed unto mee my heires executors administrators or assignes

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Sonne Robert Dawe the sume of three hundred poundes in money to be paid unto him by my executrix hereafter named within two yeares nexte after my decease or before att the consent and agreem:t of the Overseers of this my said will and xxx and besides the said twoe hundred pounds I give and bequeath unto him the said Robert my sonne the some of fiftie poundes more w:ch is cominge and due unto him from his M:r M:r Roberte Meade,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sonne Samuell Dawe the sume of one hundred pounds in mony to be paied unto him when he shall attaine unto the age of one and twentie yeares, on and besides such estate which is setled ypon him by me to freindes in trust of and in Watcombe and the twoe acres thereto adjoyninge late pcell of the grounds called ?Holtknoll with the appurtenances,

ITEM I give and bequeath more unto mz said sonne Jonathan Dawe the some of one hundred pounds in mony to be paied unto him when he shall attaine to the age of one and twentie yeares on and above such estate which is before herein limmitted appointed and by me given unto him,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary wife of Richard Hiatt the some of thirtie poundes in mony to be paied unto her within one yeare nexte after my decease or before att the consent and agreem:t of the said Overseers,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Dawe the sume of one hundred and fiftie poundes in mony to be paied unto her one yeare nexte after my decease,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jeane Dawe the sume of one hundred poundes in mony to be paid upon her when shee shall attaine to the age of one and twentie yeares, And my Will and meaninge is that if any of my abovesaid children viz:t Robert, Sammuell, Jonathan, Mary, Sara and Joane happen to die before his her or theire legacie or legacies aforesaid shalbee come due or payable before paym:t made unto the said Robert Dawe the sonne and Mary Hiett or either of them as aforesaid Att and by the consent and agreem:t of the ?Overseers, that then the said legacie and legacies herein before given and bequeathed of such of them the said Robert Samuelle Jonathan Marye Sara and Joane soe dyeinge before the legacie and legacies aforesaid shalbe and xxxxxxx and bee paid by my said executrix unto the rest of them then survivinge to be equally devided amongst them the estate and estates above menconed to be setled and graunted by and to freindes in most allwaies excepted and forespecified

ITEM I give and bequeath unto all my grandchildren twentie shillinges apeece, to be paied unto them when they shall severally attaine the age of one and twentie yeares, And my will is that if anie of my grandchildren beinge the children of the above named Richrad Hiett happen to dye before theire accomplishm:t of the age of one and twentie yeares then the residue to remaine to thother children of him the said Richard then survivinge to be equally devided amongst them, Alsoe I give and bequeath unto Thomas Arkson Clarke now viccar of Wotton aforesaid the sume of three poundes in mony to be paid to him within six monethes next after my decease or before att the consent and agreem:t of the said Overseers herein herafter named,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Poore of the pishe of Wotton underedge aforesaid forty shillings in mony to be paid unto them within one moneth nexte after my decease,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Servant William More the some of forty shillings in mony to bee paid to him within three yeares nexte after my decease, All the rest and residue of my goodes and chattells unbequeathed my debts paid and funerall ended, I doe give and bequeath unto Maude my loveinge wife whome I doe make my full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament nothinge doubtinge of her well dealings withall my


said children more especially if shee shall marry againe in setlinge and disposinge what sheecan or may upon my said children before her second marriage, And I doe intreate may my loveinge brother in lawe Nicholas Stinchcombe clothier and theabovesaid Richard Hiett to be Overseers of this my said will intreatinge and desiringe them and either of them to take paines and care in deliveringe and setlinge of all doubts and differences that shall or may arise by reason of this my will, yet trustinge in god that there wilbe an xxxx and peace amongst them all, And withall requiringe and advisinge all the parties abovesaid to be ordered and rules by my said Overseers and the Survivour of them if any occasion hereupon shall arise,

In notice whereof to this my last will conteyninge five sheets of paper I have subscribed my name and put to my Seale,

Robert Dawe,

Sealed delivered and published in the psence of Albon Sanders Richard ?S (OR, H)uffrey W:m Leigh, the markof Thomas Dawe, the sonne of Thomas Dawe, Richard Hiett

PROBATUM fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
