Marke Mortimer
Title | Firstname | Lastname |
Marke | Mortimer | |
Marke Mortimer signature (1650), HCA 13/124 f.6v | ||
Marke Mortimer signature (1656), HCA 13/71 f.40r | ||
Signature | ||
Name variants | ||
Mark Mortimer Mark Mortimore Mr Mark Mortimer Marke Mortimer (signature, 1650 & 1656) |
Person | Occupation | Training | Citizen | Birth year | Death year | Birth place | Res parish | Res town | Res county |
Marke Mortimer | Grocer | 1622 | 1686 | Unknown | Saint Dunstans in the East | London |
Volume | Date | Deponent | Deposition start |
HCA 13/124 | Dec 2 1650 | Marke Mortimer | HCA 13/124 f.6v |
HCA 13/71 | Mar 13 1656 | Mark Mortimer | HCA 13/71 f.39v Annotate |
HCA 3/47 | Jun 21 1656 | Marke Mortimer | HCA 3/47 f.32v Annotate |
Other information
Marke Mortimer gave personal answers in the High Court of Admiralty in December 1650 to a libell given in on the behalf of Clement Starre, referring to events in 1649. In his evidence Mortimer referred to sugar laden at Barbados onboard the ship the Constant by ffrancis Ford and consigned to Mortimer.[1] He stated that ordinary sugar was worth 3 d per pound in Barbados and would yield 6 d in London.[2] Although Mortimer is not identified in his evidence as a grocer of Saint Dunstans in the East, the signatures in HCA 13/124 and in HCA 13/71 are clearly the same.
Marke Mortimer deposed in the High Court of Admiralty in March 1656.[3] His evidence concerned the administration of the estate of the deceased Barbados merchant ffrancis Ford by London merchant Richard Batson. Mortimer states he met ffrancis Ford only once, nine years previously, and that Ford was Batson's servant, factor or agent in Barbados. Mortimer had received various goods from Ford, prior to Ford's death on 1654, including "Indico's sugars coffies gingers tobacoes and elephants teeth". Mortimer had also received various bills of exchange from Ford.[4]
An entry in the act book of the High Court of Admiralty on June 21 1656 concerns the same case brought by Batson, and mentions a Hilliard Mortimer as well as Marke Mortimer. The act book states the case details as "Richard Batson administrator of the goods of ffrancis fford deceased against whatsoever goods wares or merchandizes or summes of money remaininge in the hands of Charles Williams Marke Martimer and Nicholas Blake or any of them belonging to the said fford deceased and against the said Hilliard Mortimer and Blake and all."[5] The deceased ffrancis Ford is presumably the "ffrancis Ford" mentioned above, who in 1650 consigned sugar to Mortimer at Barbados.
Marke Mortimer is probably one of the freighters of the Susan and Anne (Master: George Boys) returning from Barbados and, as a freighter of the ship, he was one of the defendants in a case brought in the High Court of Admiralty in March 1656 by the owner of the ship. Goods had been damaged on the return voyage from Barbados, and evidently there was a dispute about payment of freight.[6]
A "Mr. Mark Mortimer" is mentioned in the will of John Ford, merchant of Barbados, dated September 18th 1662 and proven April 7th 1666. John Ford appears to be the brother of Francis Ford, who is referred to in the will in the context of having purchased land now owned by John Ford.[7]
A merchant "Mark Mortimore" appears in the London Directory of 1677 with an address of "Tower-hill", which is consistent with his continued residence in the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East.[8]
Other primary sources
PROB 11/383/35 Will of Mark Mortimer, Grocer of London 16 April 1686
Textual information
A Prerogative Court of Canterbury will is available for Mark Mortimer with probate date Apr 16 1686
Grocers in High Court of Admiralty records in 1650s
Nicholas Noble of Tower hill London Grocer, aged 40 yeeres[9]
Thomas Williams of the parish of Whitechappell in the County of Middlesex Citizen and Grocer of London where he hath lived about 15 yeares[10]
Lewis Byker of the parish of Saint Peters Cornhill London Grocer aged 62. yeares[11]
John Knight of the parish of Saint Peters Cornehill London Grocer aged 23. yeares[12]
Thomas Peacock of the parish of Saint Buttolphs Billingsgate London Cittizen and Grocer of London aged 26 yeares[13]
John Appleton of the parish of Saint Christophers London servant of Thomas Coleclough of the same parish Grocer, aged about 18 yeares[14]
Henry Tulfe of Saint dionis Backchurch London Grocer aged 35 yeares[15]
Mark Mortimer of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East London, Grocer, aged 34 years
Robert Archer of the parish of Saint Olaves Jury London, Grocer, aged 45 yeares[16]
Peter Browne of London Grocer aged twenty three yeares[17]
James Jauncy of the parish of Saint Lawrence Jury London citizen and Grocer of London aged 34 yeares[18]
Thomas Markland of the parish of Saint Andrews Undershaft London Grocer, aged 50 yeares[19]
Theophilus Reuell of Saint Magnus London Grocer aged twenty five yeares[20]
Stephen Sikes of the parish of Saint Bottolph Billingsgate London Grocer aged thirty yeares[21]
John StacXX of the parish of Saint Buttolphe by Billingsgate London Grocer aged thirty yeares[22]
William Wheatley of the parish of Saint Brides London Grocer aged thirty yeares[23]
Abraham Barnaby Citizen and (?Grocer) of London Living at the Tower Liberty aged 32 yeers[24]
- ↑ HCA 13/124 f.6r
- ↑ HCA 13/124 f.6v
- ↑ HCA 13/71 f.39v
- ↑ HCA 13/71 f.39v
- ↑ HCA 3/47 f.32v
- ↑ A Busines of Examination of witnesse touching certayne stormes which happened to the shipp called the Susan and Anne of which George Boys is Commander in her late voyage from the Barbathoes to this Port of London promoted by Captaine Edward Ellison owner of the sayd shipp against George Pa[?t]hfeild, Marke Mortimer and Mathew Goodfellow and others the freighters of the sayd shipp", HCA 13/71 f.121v
- ↑ Abtract of will of John Ford, merchant of Barbados, administered by Richard Batson, attorney to the executors, in James C. Brandow, Genealogies of Barbados Families: From Caribbeana and the Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society (Baltimore, 1983), pp.246-247
- ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 24/07/2016
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.50v
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.257v
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.338v
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.361r
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.403v
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.593r
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.642v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.354v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.335v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.463v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.291r
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.306v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.308r
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.307v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.307r
- ↑ HCA 13/73 f.501v
- ↑ HCA 13/73 f.539v