MRP: 26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith & William Rider, London
26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith & William Rider, London
BL, Add. MS. XX,XXX, ff. 50-51
Editorial history
02/06/09, CSG: Completed transcription
14/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
Abstract & context
Suggested links
See biographical profile Sir George Smith
See biographical profile Sir William Ryder
See Sir George Smith will
See Sir William Ryder will
See 25th August 1662, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, London
See 25th August 1662, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, Letter 2
See 26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith & William Rider, London, Letter 2
See 19th May 1663, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, London
See 10th July 1663, Letter from Sir George Smith, Jonathan Dawes & Daniell Pennington, London
See 10th August 1663, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, London
See 10th August 1663, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO
See 19th April 1667, Letter from Sir George Smith to Sir GO, London
To do
(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript in BL
This transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked
[BL, Add. MS. XX,XXX, ff. 50-51]
S:r Geo: Oxinden.
The 26:th March 1663: London
Hono:ed presid:t upon y:e Request of my Lord Richardson[1] Charles Porter[2] & many freinds more I am desired to recommend to yo: favour y:e B[xxxx] yo:r Chapline M:r Jn:o LeScarlett, lett his worth & good parts praise him (& not my penn) hee was recommended to y:e Hono:ble Comp:a & freely elected by y:e Comittee as a person worth theire service & Imploym:t in y:e Ministree, hee soo appearing to you I beseech you S:r give him all due Incuradgm:t & Carrector him soo to y:e Comp:a that his salary may bee augment:d from 50:ll to 100:ll p ann: I shall not add more in this pticular but leave all things to yo:r prudence; M:r Hardres[3] yo:r freind loosing his voyadge y:e last yeare, upon y:e earnest Importunitye of Madam Dallison[4] & yo:r other freinds in y:e Comittee[5] hee was freely Elected di Nowe [I think this is correct and presumably means "de novo"] I have no other to add but my well Wishes to yo: selfe I remaine
Yo: truly aff:t ffreind and serv:t
Geo: Smith. W:m Rider
Possible primary sources
- ↑ Thomas Richardson wrote to Sir George Oxenden introducing the new Surat chaplin, John l'Escaliot. See 5th April 1663, Letter from Thomas Rychardson to Sir GO, London
- ↑ Charles Porter sent a letter to Sir George Oxenden with l'Escaliot, who he described as his "very good freind." See March 1662/63, Letter from Charles Porter to Sir GO
- ↑ Richard Hardres, son of XXXX
- ↑ Elizabeth Dallison, Sir George Oxenen's sister and London agent
- ↑ At this time, Sir George Oxenden's definite friends on the committee were XXXX