
From MarineLives
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Use of mainlabel, sort and ascending code

NameOccupationBirth placeCategory memberships
Francis PardiniMerchantFlorenceSemantic biography
Foreign born
John ScotMerchantMiddelburg, United ProvincesSemantic biography
Foreign born
Francis Lodowick juniorMerchantMiddleburg, United ProvincesSemantic biography
Foreign born
John CremerFishmongerUnknownSemantic biography
Thomas HicksFishmongerUnknownSemantic biography
Captaine John GreeneFishmongerUnknownSemantic biography
John HarfordMarinerUnknownSemantic biography
Richard BenthamFishmongerUnknownSemantic biography
John PageMarinerUnknownSemantic biography
Richard BaddelyFishmongerUnknownSemantic biography
Thomas LockingtonFishmongerUnknownSemantic biography
Marke MortimerGrocerUnknownSemantic biography
Thomas FisherFishmongerUnknownPages with broken file links
Semantic biography
Robert WestronFishmongerUnknownSemantic biography
Samuell BirdseyFishmongerUnknownSemantic biography
Henry BurrowesFishmongerUnknownSemantic biography
Nicholas NobleGrocerUnknownSemantic biography
Captaine William RyderMerchantUnknownSemantic biography

Specifying specific pages to query as opposed to a category

Selected semantic biographiesOccupation
Captaine William RyderMerchant
Francis PardiniMerchant

Numbered list

  1. Captaine William Ryder
  2. Francis Pardini
  3. An Other

Display creation date and modification date using special property:Creation date and special property:Modification date

- Why does the Creation date property not work? (Question to Thierry)
- Apparently the Creation date property is disabled by default Help:Special property Creation date

 Creation dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
Abell Longden19 December 2017 12:38:04
Abraham Crane7 November 2016 10:20:29
Abraham Gaultier2 September 2017 06:07:46
Abraham Greaves4 September 2017 09:43:48
Abraham Rutter28 October 2016 11:55:07
Abraham Skelton29 October 2016 17:38:38
Adam Beale27 October 2016 21:55:08
Adriaen Goltsmit4 October 2017 06:05:25
Adrian Franck7 November 2016 20:10:17
Adrian Revelle17 November 2016 14:28:33
Adrian Valzolio de Jonge29 June 2019 07:29:36
Albertus Skynner1 October 2017 11:16:06
Alexander Baareffoott1 November 2016 19:39:04
Alexander Cocke18 October 2016 13:05:56
Alexander Cocke18 October 2016 13:05:56
Alexander Fowler6 November 2016 21:21:56
Alexander Robinson10 November 2016 23:32:27
Alexander Steptow29 October 2016 11:41:19
Ambrose Ellet31 October 2016 00:32:48
Ambrose Pomeroy7 January 2018 11:58:05
Andrew Beake18 October 2016 21:54:33
Andrew Bowman4 November 2016 18:11:53
Andrew Harris30 August 2017 17:22:51
Andrew Shan5 November 2016 10:17:36
Andrew Wise28 October 2016 13:49:13
Anthony Deane10 November 2016 15:27:35
Anthony Sola12 November 2016 20:35:19
Arthur Ingram5 June 2017 13:16:36
Baldwin Mathews22 November 2016 09:54:46
Benedict Turrettin28 October 2016 12:12:38
Beniamin Westcombe3 November 2016 17:49:07
Benjamin Lee29 October 2016 17:32:12
Captaine Abraham Mootham7 November 2016 21:02:41
Captaine Isaac Woodgreene5 November 2016 22:10:37
Captaine James Cade4 November 2016 16:34:40
Captaine James Lutton4 November 2016 16:43:58
Captaine John Cramp7 November 2016 09:51:35
Captaine John Greene26 July 2016 20:06:57
Captaine Richard Ell11 November 2016 10:25:44
Captaine Thomas Breedon2 November 2016 09:03:48
Captaine Thomas Chinn27 October 2016 20:54:35
Captaine Thomas Ewens2 October 2017 16:03:30
Captaine William Ryder26 July 2016 20:43:05
Captaine Willoughby Hannam7 November 2016 10:23:30
Charles Gander28 October 2016 17:42:12
Charles Marescoe28 October 2016 12:08:15
Christian Aelst19 October 2016 20:08:28
Christopher Downs5 November 2016 10:10:17
Christopher Hamlin7 November 2016 20:14:06
Christopher Malim5 October 2017 08:34:10
... further results

Listing all values of a given proerty in non-tabular format without labels

Unknown, Unknown, Middleburg, United Provinces, Florence, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Middelburg, United Provinces, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Listing all pages in ascending order in a category, starting with a specified page

Note: ">" means "equal or greater than"

I am not convinced this is working correctly (Ask Thieery)

Some part "<nowiki>...</nowiki>" of the query was not understood.